Quantum physics is a truly fascinating subject filled with seemingly bizarre counter-intuitive mysteries and paradoxes that can make the head spin! There have been many books written about quantum physics that take a purely scientific approach. However, there are some that mix science and speculative metaphysical interpretations of the quantum world to posit the theory that quantum physics affects love within relationships and causes multi-dimensional entangled effects upon human beings in the space-time continuum.
The word 'quantum' used in physics can be defined as the smallest possible nanoscopic amount of the many different forms of energy that penetrate everything in the Cosmos from the finite to the infinite. I have applied it to the love of God, which transcends everything, because it is limitless and immeasurable, as well as beyond human comprehension and understanding.
I am firmly convinced that every human being has an unquenchable longing for love, and to love and be loved because God is love. The love a person feels for another is just a minute shadow of God’s love for EVERYONE! Jesus Christ is the very definition of love itself and the empirical evidence that God truly exists. He is the embodiment of love, and everything that He says or does is motivated by love.
God has given to human beings freely, and without limits, the desire and capacity for love, because they are created in His image. His love has no beginning or end, no depth or height, width or length that can be measured. It is knowable by human beings through Jesus Christ and can be intimately experienced because of Him. His love is spontaneous and transcends all limits of human emotions and understanding.
There are layers and layers of God’s love that are forever expanding and can radically transform a person by the active working of Holy Spirit. It is one of those intangibles - something that cannot be completely or fully experienced by the five senses because it originates in the heart of God and never stops flowing.
Personal experiences over the years have helped to solidify in me the truth that the love of God revealed in the Bible can be trusted and is the supreme and only reliable source for learning about how a person is truly loved by the Creator of the Universe and how they can love Him back.
I believe that it is the quantum love of God that makes Christianity completely different and unique from all the other religions in the world because it is the only religion where Jesus Christ, who is love Himself, comes to dwell within each willing heart when He is invited.
My intent in writing this book is to separate the objective science of quantum physics from the subjective mystical and spiritual interpretations and compare them with what the Bible has to say on this subject. I will not try to combine the latest discoveries in quantum physics with Christian doctrine to show that theology and science fit together very comfortably, or to prove scientifically that God exists.
I have chosen to use the Bible to help present a unique perspective and understanding of the amazing quantum world that may help to bring greater understanding of God’s majestic power, splendor, and love. It will also provide some unique insights regarding historical church doctrines that were written by mortal human beings and passed down through the ages.