What the Bible says about Death

by Gerald McDaniel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/17/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781512775143

About the Book

This book discusses issues such as What exactly is death; Capital Punishment; Difference between body, soul, and spirit; Raising the dead; Communicating with the Dead; Soul Sleep; Euthanasia; Cloning Humans and so much more. All according to what the Bible says.

About the Author

Gerald McDaniel was born on June 26, 1954 in Pavo, Georgia.

He was saved September 22, 1974 and called to preach on October 19, 1975.

He was married in August of 1976 to Julie Kaye Ferguson of Covington, Indiana.

They have four children.

Joanna, a preacher’s wife

Josiah, a preacher

Jonathan, a policeman

Joy, a preacher’s wife.

Gerald McDaniel has an associate’s degree in Engineering from Moultrie Technical College in Moultrie, Georgia, A bachelor’s degree from a combination of Hyles Anderson College and Heritage Baptist College both in Indiana and a master’s degree from Andersonville Baptist Seminary in Georgia.

Gerald McDaniel has been a Pastor or Associate Pastor for over 40 Years.