Psalm 91

The Dweller

by Areon Potter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/17/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781973625209
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781973625193
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781973625216

About the Book

In a world that is hostile and threatening to true believers, where do we turn when we need protection and refuge? In Psalm 91, the Lord reminds us that it is within the shelter of the Most High where we can find this refuge, but first we must learn how to truly dwell in this secret, holy place.

In Psalm 91—The Dweller, author Areon Potter helps believers understand the provision of God’s shelter in our daily lives and in the midst of our darkest hours. He offers wise and applicable insight that goes far beyond our present state of spiritual understanding, revealing a deeper and intimate knowledge of a loving, merciful, and just God. A verse-by-verse commentary on Psalm 91 explains what it means to dwell in God’s shelter, and it will show us the connections between the condition of our hearts, our personal choices, and the spiritual warfare that surrounds us.

For believers who need encouragement in the midst of darkness, who feel afraid, or who simply need realistic insight concerning how to live a life of freedom, peace, and the fullness of power in the Holy Spirit, Psalm 91—The Dweller can show them how to walk under God’s protection in our present-day world.

About the Author

Areon Potter is a man inspired by God, and in 1982, God began teaching Areon about the realities of the world, the flesh, and the demonic. He has since written From the Darkness to Light, his first book, which deals with demonic oppression. Psalm 91, his second book, delves into the scriptural implications of dwelling in the shelter of the Most High and abiding in the shadow of the Almighty as enunciated by the first verse of Psalm 91.