This story covers the unbelievable journey of Elizabeth, a beautiful, talented girl searching for genuine love that doesn’t include physical or emotional pain. She learns quickly that she is indeed attractive to boys and men, marrying at a very young age and quickly becoming a mother to two beautiful sons by eighteen. She loves them with all her heart.
Having witnessed her parent’s physically and emotionally abusive relationship confused her as to what constituted romantic love, which is unknown to her. Also, having been subjected to every type of abuse as a child, her thoughts echoed that of her dad: that all the bad stuff she suffered was all her fault. And, nobody knew about the worst one that was inflicted by her dad’s friend when she was only seven, which resulted in her wonderful “Flying Dreams” that was her escape from reality. She dared not even think of it, so she buried it deep in her mind for many years, along with some other horrific happenings. They eventually broke out though, later in her life, in spite of her denial and shame of it all.
She excelled at everything she attempted and was loved and admired by almost everyone, but was plagued by deep depression, along with her Pollyanna personality throughout her life. An eternal optimist in spite of everything, she tried to eliminate the negative thoughts when possible. Having become a Christian at eight, she loved her Jesus, trying so hard to please Him, but failed too much, causing her guilt she couldn’t deal with.
Men constantly flirted with her, causing temptations she couldn’t dismiss, having an overwhelming need to be assured she was loved and desired by them, along with her husband, who was a pathological liar. The lying became much more prevalent when he entered the political arena. Although he was a natural politician, it gave him unlimited opportunities to hone his lying skills to all involved. This ultimately brought troubles and heartache to everyone, along with bringing more shame to Elizabeth, losing all respect for her husband in the process.
Much more violence and tragic happenings arose through her children and grandchildren’s actions, causing heartaches galore, along with attempted suicides. Finally through an overwhelming and desperate crying out to God for help; He answered and blessed her with His love, healing, and peace.
This didn’t mean though, that all was well in her life or those of the ones she loved. More heartache than she could ever have imagined was still on the horizon for Elizabeth to deal with, which included unfaithfulness, multiple marriages, illnesses, death, murder, prison, attempted murder, and more heartache. We actually do reap what we sow, whether in the gardens of our land, or in the actions and choices of our lives. God is however, much more merciful and forgiving than we can ever imagine.
Travel with Elizabeth on this journey and discover so much more. Yes, God Does Love even Elizabeth and much more than that… He Loves You too. Find hope, light, ‘Real Love’ and a joy that no one, nor anything can disturb.