Welcome to a unique book of pearls. Pearls of wisdom given to me while I was raising my four daughters – gifts from the Father as I pleaded with Him for answers on how to raise the four precious girls that He had placed in my hands into four strong, independent women of God who would choose to walk in integrity, purity and faith and withstand the attacks of worldliness and evil that surround them daily.
Much of the content in this book came from pain or irritants. Some of it my pain, some of it belonged to my precious girls that we walked through together, some of it from little irritants that we wanted out of our lives, and even other sources as well. Whatever the causes, the contents are as valued to me as many pearls. I hope you will be blessed by this book; encouraged by it; empowered by it. It’s a story of victory over pain, many small victories and some huge victories. Oh, there are quite a few stories that may not have appeared to end in victory. In fact, they look very similar to defeat. But, in the Hands of the King of Kings, even what appears to end badly is actually just the beginning of another victory. He tells us that He grows us from Glory to Glory (1 Cor.3:18). But, He doesn’t rush the process. Each pearl or character trait, whether large or small, is precious. The larger pearls take longer and require more patience to develop. At times, we want to give up, but, thank God, He never wants to give up. Ultimately, we know from reading His Word that the final Victory is assured through Jesus our Lord.
As pearl necklaces are not for every person’s taste, neither is this book for everyone. In fact, it may be for only a few. It is definitely not for the perfect mother, nor for the perfect daughter, nor for the perfect wife. But this book may be for you if you do not have all the answers to parenting dilemmas, or if you are willing to learn from the mistakes of others and try ideas that have helped them, or if you just want to be encouraged as you do your best to raise kids that you know God has placed in your hands. Not all tips will work for any one child or any one mother; maybe a few will work for you exactly as written, and maybe a few will spark your creativity to come up with your own versions. If any of these results occur for you because of this book, then my efforts to put it in words will have been worth the struggle.
A word of caution: If you have already raised your children and you are reading this book, PLEASE be aware it is definitely not intended to make anyone feel bad. The ideas are not written to condemn anyone or for comparisons of parenting-styles. It is written merely to be a help to those in the midst of child-rearing that might need someone to throw them a small life-jacket to get them through the situation they are in at the moment.