The Dawning of You
Book Details
About the Book
Although we were created, we were also given a unique to this world self will. Being that we have this self will to decide to live how we would like, it is a continual, recurrent, conscious moment to moment decision to live for the purpose of the creator’s intention for making us.
It’s that simple, it’s that important, and we are otherwise pointlessly lost in space here unless we simply find that purpose and submit to it.
These works provide a supplemental and functional life guide on how to experience the love and compassion of God full force while still being entombed in these bodies on the face of this physical realm that we call Earth.
The narrow road may be less traveled and difficult, but the way of truth sets you free and is fulfilling. (Ref to Matthew 7:14)
Take on my yoke, my yoke is easy. (Ref to Matthew 11 28-30)
He will even carry the lost sheep on his shoulders like a little lamb. (Ref to Luke 15:5)
About the Author
A miracle of the physical world was granted me at age 14 due to a dilemma I was in where I had no other choice but to put all my faith in God. I specifically asked through prayer for a non-specific change within the physical world by God in order to prevent an inevitable occurrence. At age 19, I awoke one morning while in summer school and immediately started writing. I have no idea why this occurred with the exception of apparently something just had to come out of me. I never questioned it, and otherwise I had never aspired to write. After writing some 16 or so pages, I started slowing down and realizing that it was not yet time in life for me to do what I was doing. At that time, the work was titled "Building Better Children.” At age 21 and after a unrelated but second recent major life occurrence, the Holy Spirit again visited me directly. Being that this was the second recent visitation, I understood that sinning caused the end of the first and would similarly cause the end of this second experience as well. I made a conscious decision and followed through with not sinning in any form or fashion for an entire week. At the end of the week, I became concerned about what all of the things meant for me that I was shown throughout its course. I had changed and obviously was now somewhat dissimilar in my thoughts and understanding to those around me. I went directly to prayer in faith and spiritual request for answers as to what I was to do with the things I had been shown and experienced. During this prayer, I was spiritually visited and challenged as I received physical manifestations of contact while remaining steadfast to God linked directly in prayer. I received a spiritual vision and thereafter through two-way spiritual communication with associated images, it was revealed to me that I was a spiritual guide whose purpose was to get people prepared to meet God. Being that priests, relatives, and friends did not have anywhere for me to go with these experiences, I simply shared them with others with decreasing frequency throughout the years. For the period of age 21 to 48, I mostly forgot and only occasionally thought about it. I basically chalked it up to its being an inordinate experience in life. At that time and still now 30 years later, I do not know whether this message was related to this world, the hereafter, or somewhere in between. I do not press the divine creator for further knowledge of these enlightenments, for I am but a meager sinning creation of that divine force. After these early experiences, I subsequently went through life living as I wish, and only consulting God as my pocket God of convenience. I continued living and chasing my dreams and aspirations of this physical realm, and mainly serving the wrong master—myself. Upon receiving earthly successes through personal efforts, and realizing I had gone astray from God, I began rekindling my relationship with Him by seeking truth in myself and everything around me. I began to recapture the consciousness of spirituality in my life which was otherwise ego dominated and driven by the physical portion of my existence. At age 48, upon leaving church, I was compelled to start writing about our spirit, God, His constant presence, the ego, and the purpose of this life's physical presence in this materially tangible and temporary reality. Two years later I am halfway through Book 5 on messages and understandings from our Creator as it relates to our existence, this otherwise confusing life, and our ego chosen life viewpoint of this temporary and physical world. These writings are for the sole purpose of enlightening the flock of His children. The flock includes all of us as we freely speak truth and testify to our sinful and anti-Godly ways, while we strive to be the subservient creation of the grand architect's purpose for us.