Tears in the Desert
Lessons from the Joys and Sorrows of God’s Call
Book Details
About the Book
Are you interested in Christian service or studying for the Christian ministry? This book is uniquely designed to help you prepare for the challenges ahead and is endorsed by a pastor who served his church for thirty-eight years and the presidents of two seminaries who will recommend it to their students.
Karl Heller’s new book, Tears in the Desert: Lessons from the Joys and Sorrows of God’s Call, provides an up-close and personal account from the frontline of pastoral ministry. This is a refreshingly candid account of why pastoral ministry is so very challenging and at the same time so very important. By recounting the triumphs and tragedies of his own ministry, Dr. Heller is an able and wise guide, especially for seminarians preparing for pastoral ministry.
Frank A. James III, DPhil, PhD, President and Professor of Historical Theology, Biblical Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
About the Author
Karl-Heinz Heller, PhD, studied Economics and Business Administration in Hamburg and later left Germany for advanced studies in history and theology in Scotland, Canada the United States. He served pastorates in several countries, taught at Covenant College and the universities of Colorado and California (Irvine) among others, and travelled internationally as guest speaker. His publications include “From Hitler to Christ.”