Care for the Dying

A Practical Biblical Guide for Ministering to People Who Are Terminally Ill

by Chaplain Tom



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/11/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781973612476
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781973612483

About the Book

All people—our own family members and those we serve in ministry—are mortal. When we come to terms with that reality, we also realize that people need our support most acutely as they face serious illnesses or a terminal condition. This work is full of real-life experiences and biblical direction that show us how to help people in their times of greatest need. The stories in this book teach lessons in powerful and memorable ways.

After a brief discussion of principles, you will dive into four essentials that serve as a foundation for the instruction in this book. The twelve guidelines that follow are most practical and simple to access.

The final section of this book is a collection of situations that take in most of the real-life scenarios you will ever face while visiting and helping people who are sick or dying. After you read this book, you will want to keep it handy as a guide for future reference.

About the Author

Chaplain Tom graduated from Bible College and then went on to earn a Master’s degree before serving in a local church in New England. Tom and his family then served as church planters in Europe for over 10 years. After returning to the United States, Tom completed a seminary degree and trained as a hospital chaplain. He has now served for over fifteen years as a chaplain to patients who are terminally ill. Tom’s unique global perspective and amazing experiences have taught him crucial lessons that he longs to share with everyone who has a heart for people in need.