Gospel Bootcamp

How God Practically Shapes and Supports the Lives of Believers Through the Good News: Highlights from Paul’s Letter to the Romans

by Jeremy Weimer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/15/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781973612285
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781973612292
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781973612308

About the Book

How does the story of a man who died two thousand years ago practically help people today? How can one man’s sacrifice be the difference between life and death for the entire world? If the gospel has the power to transform the hearts and lives of people—both for eternity and in our day-to-day lives—how does it actually work?

The answers are in Paul’s letter to the Romans, and Gospel Bootcamp provides a summary of Paul’s highlight verses. Gospel Bootcamp challenges readers to think deeply about their faith by encouraging genuine questions. Those who accept this challenge will learn:

—how the truth revealed in the gospel is the perfect solution to humanity’s greatest problems,
—practical skills from years of experience “in the trenches” of the good fight of faith, and
—a new perspective of God that transforms life as a follower of Christ from drudgery to delight.

Will you answer the call to serve and invest the time to sharpen your skills in the faith?

About the Author

Jeremy is a husband, father, and devoted follower of Jesus Christ. He finds his greatest delight in sharing the encouragement God gives him personally. He studies carefully, asks hard questions, and thinks deeply about his faith; but he isn’t so serious that he loses the joy of seeking God and serving others.

Do you remember that moment in school when the teacher was wrapping up the lesson early? A hush came over the class, and everyone was thinking: “shhh, don’t say anything!” But there was that one annoying kid who asked another question. Everyone ended up stuck in class for another 20 minutes! That kid grew up; and his name is Jeremy. Fortunately, those years of asking irritating questions have paid off because he’s found some amazing answers to life’s great questions.