Bicycling Across America’s Great Northwest: When Fear and Faith Collide

The Final 31 Days of My Trip Across the North American Continent

by Joe Tarantino



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/26/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781973614722
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781973614715

About the Book

Joe Tarantino describes the fifth and final leg of his 3,600-mile bicycle ride across the North American continent started thirty-one years earlier. Previous trips had left him with nearly 1,700 miles remaining—from the Pacific coast to his prior stopping point in Winner, South Dakota, just east of the Badlands. After what began as a to-do on his bucket list, Joe eventually realized the final segment of his trip had become something God now wanted him to do. Riding by himself, Joe began his trip in Seaside, Oregon. He crossed the Columbia River over the Astoria-Megler Bridge into the state of Washington and was promptly greeted with record-high temperatures while crossing the Cascade Mountain range and eastern Washington deserts. Along the way, Joe encountered folks from all walks of life and demographics who provided support and encouragement at the times he needed it most. His wife, Barbara, eventually met him in Harrison, Idaho, driving a rented SUV, providing additional support and sharing in his daily adventures. In addition to the record heat, mountain ranges, and deserts, they also endured a 5.8-magnitude earthquake while staying in a one-hundred-year-old log cabin hotel in a remote area of Montana, the epicenter occurring only a few miles from where they had spent the night. Joe describes how God answered daily prayers for protection and provided new insights into Psalm 23 through the people and circumstances he encountered each day. Joe’s description of his trip will help you understand not only the physical challenges of such a journey but deep insight into his mind during the daily rides. In addition to entertaining you, this book will challenge, motivate, and inspire you to maybe accomplish something you thought impossible while encouraging you to reevaluate your own relationship with the Creator.

About the Author

Joe Tarantino retired from the work-a-day world in 2014 in response to God’s call to a different direction in an otherwise, comfortable life. After a 35 year career working as a chemist, engineer, and in various management roles, he spent time assisting in caring for his father, prior to his father’s passing in 2015. Joe has continued to hone his skills in the art of making the perfect cup of coffee and refurbishing vintage bicycles. Always an avid bicyclist, Joe started a dream to bicycle across the North American continent in 1986 with a trip from Canton, Ohio, to Niagara Falls, New York. After becoming sidetracked playing softball, basketball, and running marathons, he finally finished the 3,600 mile journey 31 years later, with a trip from Seaside, Oregon to Winner, South Dakota. Joe’s wife, Barbara, is a former high school Spanish teacher and retired Director of High School Guidance Counseling. They married in 1979 after meeting while attending Greenville College, Illinois. They have two sons, Giancarlo and Gianmarco, who also share their parents’ sense of adventure and travel.