The Fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant
A Hermeneutical and Exegetical Analysis of Three Evangelical Views
Book Details
About the Book
The author discusses three major hermeneutical views concerning the fulfillment of the promises God made in the Davidic Covenant—that is, a house (dynasty), a kingdom (realm), and a throne (right to rule). He shows how the adherents of each view differ regarding the timing and nature of the fulfillment of each aspect. He also investigates the hermeneutical methodology of each view to determine how they arrived at their conclusions, and then he analyzes their conclusions from an exegetical perspective. Furthermore, he explains in detail and defends the view he considers to be biblical. Most of all, in an age where compromise on biblical interpretation has become the norm, he encourages his readers to interpret the Scriptures according to the normal laws of language in order to arrive at their intended meaning.
I am honored to endorse this book for Patrick Nasongo. His extensive research reveals why three prominent evangelical approaches differ in their interpretations of the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant. His analysis is fair and the reader will learn much about each methodology.
Larry A. Tyler, Ph.D.
Dean, Bowman School of Bible & Theology
Temple Baptist Seminary
About the Author
Patrick Nasongo holds a PhD in Biblical Studies (New Testament) from Piedmont International University in Winston-Salem, NC, and an MDiv and a ThM (New Testament) from International Theological Seminary in El Monte, CA. He is currently a Program Director of Undergraduate Studies and Professor of New Testament and Greek Bible. Dr. Nasongo has taught Hermeneutics, Christian Doctrine and Theology, Apologetics, and every book in the New Testament. This book is a product of Dr. Nasongo’s dissertation and classroom lectures.