Unrevealed Revelation

A Remarkable Story of Prostate-Cancer Survival

by Eddie Cape



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/9/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781973621027
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781973621553

About the Book

After extensive research, a self-imposed experiment was conducted by the author at a critical point in his battle with prostate cancer. Using a combination of nonprescription products, the experiment worked, lowering his PSA level to an “undetectable” level. In this book the author shares the details of his experience in the hope that its application can help other nonterminal prostate cancer patients. This story is much more than one of physical healing. It reveals how God sometimes answers prayers in ways that no one could imagine—totally different from the way they were envisioned. It also demonstrates how God provides and cares for his people in very unusual ways without them even realizing what he is doing.

About the Author

Eddie J. Cape is a retired telecommunications engineer and consultant. In his professional career he was honored to have the opportunity to plan, design, and implement state-of-the-art digital and fiber-optic networks. After serving 32 years with a large telecommunications firm, he founded a small engineering and consulting company whose mission was to develop business plans and manage telecommunications projects which provided advanced telecommunications and data services to rural areas of Georgia and parts of nearby states.

He has been active in his church for many years where he has held several lay offices. He now facilitates an adult Bible class. His 21 years in this capacity has afforded him the opportunity to write and deliver verse-by-verse expositional Bible studies that have included most of the New Testament. His teaching focuses on applying God’s Word to contemporary issues.

He enjoys gardening, fishing, do-it-yourself projects, and relaxing at his log home in the mountains of North Georgia. He is married and is blessed with three adult children and one grandson.