Dynamic Inhabitants: a Seed, a Worm, an Egg, a Star and a Rock
God’s Promise of the Treasure Within
Book Details
About the Book
Dynamic Inhabitants: a Seed, a Worm, an Egg, a Star and a Rock is a story about some of the smallest of God’s creations: Whyney the silkworm, Tyney the seed, Maddy the egg, Shyney the star, and Iggy the rock. Every one of them is dissatisfied with their current life, and demonstrate their dissatisfaction through emotions like frustration, anger, sadness, impatience, and arrogance. All of them are unaware that God has a unique plan for each of them, more than they could ever dream or even imagine. So God asks them to meet him in the garden, to spend time getting to know him, and to understand the plan he created for each of them. They are going to be so surprised to find out how much God loves them and how their time on earth will bring glory to God.
About the Author
Denise Retzlaff is a retired nurse who resides in The Villages, Florida. Dynamic Inhabitants: a Seed, a Worm, an Egg, a Star and a Rock was inspired during a recent trip to the Holy Land.