I was struggling with the Introduction, because everything that I wrote seemed to be bragging, and that is not what I wanted it to be. There really was nothing for me to brag about; this whole book would have never happened without God.
My granny had written me a letter and stuck it inside a book that she had given me. The book was written by Dale Carnegie and the title was How to Win Friends and Influence People.
This book was the first edition ever printed and she wanted me to have it because one day I would be speaking to lots of people. She knew that I would need to learn the secrets in this book.
I had forgotten that she had torn out a blank page in the book and wrote me a letter on that page. The introduction you are reading now was written to me over thirty-five years ago.
I had forgotten about the letter in the book until one day I looked up on my bookshelf and saw the book. I reached up and took it down and when I opened the book, out fell the letter from my granny.
She was the one that loved me and got me to realize that I was not junk, but rather one day I would have a lot to offer the world. I loved her so much, but I do have to say that when she would talk about me speaking to a large group, I felt sick to my stomach.
I have been blessed to speak to thousands of people at one time and over the years I am sure that I have spoken to millions of people.
She was a woman of faith, and she always walked in love. She would tell me that it is one thing to have faith, but it is another thing to live by Matthew 22:35-40 words!
Matthew 22:35-40 New International Version (NIV)
35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
She always told me that it is much harder to love your neighbor as yourself than to profess to love God. I always asked, “What do you mean, granny?” She replied, “If people would love their neighbor as themselves, they would not gossip about someone, steal from them, kill them, commit adultery, and/or lie.”
Granny instructed me to love people where they are at, while not trying to beat them into a position you want them to be.
I look back on all that she taught me. It is amazing the love that she gave me and how she expected me to love everyone—and she meant everyone.
Boy, God brought you to me as my grandson. Some people say you are not mine by blood, and that is right, but you are mine by spirit, and that is much more important than of blood.
Boy, I am sorry for what has been done to you, but remember that God did not do it to you, and what they have meant for bad, he will turn into good if you seek him first.
Boy, you are the true joy for me in my old age, and I am trying to tell you that your life is meant for greatness and you will inspire thousands of people with your story. You need to embrace it and then use every bad thing that has ever happened to you to glorify God.
Don’t harbor hate, because it is a disease that has the power to wipe you out and everyone that you come in contact with on this earth.
I am an old woman that has learned from many mistakes. Please listen, because my words are running out and one day I will not be here to impart any more wisdom on you. At that time you need to become still and hear the words I taught you as a child.
I look forward to our visits each week. I have to tell you that every decision you make will either bring you closer to God or closer to serving the devil.
In your deepest pains of being sold as a child, they do not compare to the pain that God endured for you as he sent his son to die on the cross for your sins.
In your heartaches, you will either glorify the devil or you will use the pain to glorify God, and then use the pain to help other people.
I know it seems impossible that God could use you by being sold 751 times to help other people, but through your pain and heartache God will give you the key to unlock people’s prison doors and help them heal. I do not know how, but I know God has shown me that my boy will lead a revival of healing of heartaches one day.
While on this earth I tried to love you as God has loved me, and I hope one day you will pass my love on to hundreds of thousands of people in the name of Jesus.
So my lovely boy, get quiet and hear the words of God and let him show you how to lead people out of their hell and into a loving life serving him. I will be watching from heaven to see how this will unfold for you.
To anyone that hears my lovely boy’s words, know that he has been through hell and back to teach you how to move forward after a heartache. My boy has been given these words from God just for you, so apply what you learn and then pass them on to someone else in need. I need to know that my sweet boy has carried a burden that is so heavy that only God himself could heal him and give him this message of hope and love for you.
Please sit back with Granny Scott and hear the words my lovely boy has been given to heal your mind, body, and spirit.
I love you, Boy
Granny Scott