Charlie Pro Wants to Know How Wide

Red Sea Crossing

by Laura Dueck



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/17/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781973623618
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781973623601

About the Book

So, you are eyeing this book!
Are you ready to have a look?
Its pages came from a file
about the Red Sea crossing, not the river Nile.

Its about falling and calling,
about fears and tears.
About a way that is wide enough
when things around you get oh so tough.

So, curl up in a quiet little nook
with this Charlie Pro book,
or find a caring friend
to read it to you to the end.

About the Author

The author/illustrator has a college level writing course from the Institute of Children’s Literature, in West Redding, CT. to her credit. Her writings, drawings, oil paintings and murals have found a place in churches, homes, businesses and at weddings. Three of her paintings have been given a special spot in the Jake Epp Public Library in Steinbach MB, Canada, where she worked for a time.

Some other things that have made her life rich and meaningful include her years of teaching Sunday School. She also often sat in on classes for the teachers in the private Christian school where her husband was on the board. Together with her husband, she raised their three sons. Each of them in turn brought a lovely woman into the family. “And then came the joy of grandchildren!” she says.

Hers has been a life-time of loving God and His Word. She approaches the re-telling of the miracle that happened at the Red Sea, from a very unique perspective. An approach that can be traced back to the influence of her story-telling mother and her poetic father. Also her ten older siblings. It is her desire that children understand the vastness of what God can do. She adds that she was a child once, surrounded by big problems and a bigger God! A much bigger God!