The Wonderful World of Widowhood... Except When It Isn't

by Judy Towne Jennings



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/10/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781973621003
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781973621010

About the Book

This book is a victory celebration for one widow, Anna Redington Jensen, as she moves out of the Tunnel of Grief to a better version of her former self.

The book has no value if Anna’s friend, God, is not real. One bold purpose of this story is to share Anna’s adventure with God: their two-way conversations, and the big and little miracles.

The character names are changed, but the mindboggling God-moments are real.

The message challenges all seniors to live fully after a calamitous life change...and gives them permission to love enthusiastically again.

About the Author

Judy Towne Jennings shares her caregiving and widowhood journeys with heartful sincerity. During those crises, she lost her spouse and also her sense of self. Writing her first book, "Living with Lewy Body Dementia, One Caregiver’s Personal, In-Depth Experience," helped her find a sense of purpose. She is pleased that it is reaching caregivers all across the globe.

With her second book, she chronicles how she created an improved version of her former self throughout her widowhood journey. Judy has had a penchant to fix what is broken: her patients, her husband, and now the societal perspectives constraining widows and widowers. Too often, she felt that she was expected to wear the label of a poor, unfortunate widow for the rest of her life. That is not her nature.

The Widowhood book strongly endorses a life of ambitious adventures orchestrated by the God of the Universe including passion and breath-taking moments. Through her heroine, Anna, Judy shares some of the many unexplained miracles sprinkled into her life. Knowing God has her back is inspiring. One reason for the book is to boldly state that If this can happen to her, it can happen for anyone.

She invites other seniors to journal with her friend, God, her fount of unconditional love. When she learned to love her new self, she had sufficient love to spill over onto the many new people who entered her life.

This book is Judy’s loving message to all widows and lonely seniors everywhere. “We are meant to have love-filled adventures directed by a personal God for as long as we remain on this side of Heaven.”