Michael and Jen were struggling. It seemed to them that a relationship with God had to have more significance than they felt theirs did. Why didn't it seem like most of the people genuinely worshipped in their church? Even right after the service, nobody seemed to actually talk about “spiritual” things as much as they did about sports, their jobs – or anything else... And they became really uncomfortable when those two board members discussed that new staff member’s "performance" with them! They were a fairly new couple in the church - and in their faith - and just didn't know how to respond. Then Chris's reaction at work today - well, it was just devastating to them both…
You see, Michael had tried to tell Chris about his new faith in Jesus. His business partner's caustic accusations about some of the people in Michael's church caught him off guard. According to Chris, they’d say one thing but live another. In his opinion their claims of “new life in Christ” just didn't have any validity. How could these so-called Christians always be late paying their outstanding accounts to the company he and Michael ran? Why was one of their employees, who was also a member of Michael's church, well known for wanting to listen to the off-color stories the guys in the shop told, yet so quick to have such a holier-than-thou attitude at other times? Michael couldn't answer him. He didn't know what to say…
As Michael discussed this uncomfortable conversation with Jen, they thought more about Chris's harsh response. What distressed them most was that what he said, actually seemed to be accurate. Maybe they were in the wrong congregation - but they had been welcomed so warmly there... The pastor had involved them in a growth class right away, and they had really grown in their faith. They truly wondered what to do.
Is this story somewhat familiar to you? Might it be a story that could be told in your church? The intent of this book is to examine how we might move beyond these very real limitations in the way average Christians live, and understand what Biblical spirituality is, and then look at how (if it is at all possible) we can move into it.
Michael and Jen decided to go and talk to their pastor about their struggles. As their story unfolded, tears came to the pastor's eyes. He then did something that seemed rare for a minister to do - he shared his frustrations with them! Their pastor had felt a call of God to go into ministry to "build up the body in the most holy faith," as he put it. But by his own estimation, that wasn't happening. Many of the people in his congregation didn’t seem to be growing more like Christ at all. Oh sure, there were a few encouraging signs here and there. (The pastor likened it to a poor golfer getting just enough good shots to keep him coming back to play another round.) He told them that he had even been thinking of quitting the ministry. He was becoming convinced that the lack of noticeable growth in his congregation was all his fault.
As they talked together, they realized that the observations Michael's partner, Chris, had made were indeed accurate, but maybe not unavoidable. Their pastor had been trying to teach these truths to his people, and Michael and Jen had been trying to live them, but so few others seemed either able or willing to sustain spiritual development. Why was it such a pervasive problem in the church? Their pastor actually had the answer. He had been trying to pray it, preach it and teach it for years. Though his message seemed largely unheeded, it was accurate - "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." It’s not what you do – it’s why and how you do it.
Does that sound way too simple for you? Then what’s the foundational principle for your living a Biblically spiritual life? Is your system working to lead you closer to Jesus and make your life more like His? If so, I truly thank God for you and your belief system, whatever it may be! While our opinions may vary somewhat, I believe that the Bible gives us this definite summary for our instruction:
This synopsis is given to us by the Apostle Paul, in Galatians chapter 5, verse 6b. Read and consider the context of the thought, looking at all of Galatians 5:4 through 6:10. Notice, in particular, the motivations and attitudes referred to in this larger passage.
It’s difficult, isn't it, to live in this world and not be a part of it or be stained by it? (You may wish to review John 17.) But God knows that! Why else would He have sent His Son to die and rise again, and then given His Spirit to live in those who trust Him as Savior? "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (Jesus Christ, as quoted in, John 16:33.) It's time for you to decide whether you truly believe God or whether you don't. Answer this question honestly and you'll know whether or not you believe Him: Would God expect and command that you live in a way that was impossible to achieve? Can you trust Him to do in and through YOU what He says He can and will? Of course you can – this is part of the role of the indwelling Holy Spirit - but WILL you trust Him fully? What attitudes and motivations will you need to adopt in order to have this become your pattern of life?
The purpose of this book is to guide you into those specific attitudes and motivations, by God’s grace.