Christmas on the Porch
Book Details
About the Book
Christmas on the Porch contains poetry pertaining to the Christmas message of a Savior being born into the world for the sake of all people and because of the love of God for mankind. All of the poems reflect various aspects of the Biblical account, though two of them are word sketches of classic Christmas stories.
About the Author
P. A. Oltrogge has enjoyed writing from a young age, doing stories and small dramas during her school years. Around 2005, the author began writing inspirational poetry, which was shared with family, friends, or people she would meet. Then, in 2013, she began to do a Wordpress blog of the poetry ( Most all of the poetry is based on her perception of Biblical texts and topics, with the hope that the poems would inspire, uplift, or encourage those who read them. They also remind of various Biblical accounts with which the reader may already be familiar. The cover sketch, done by the author, is a depiction of the country home in which she grew up.