The Pilgrimage to the Heart

Contemplation and Compassion

by Carol Fowler MPS



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/29/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781973629726
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781973629733

About the Book

As Christians, we gain the knowledge of God through catechetical instruction, sermons, and Bible study groups. It is quite another thing to have an intimate and experiential relationship with God and truly know him as we would a friend. Contemporary medical research and the great spiritual traditions concur that we are wired to connect and experience God on our life’s journey, and this connection has a transformative effect on our lives. How do we bridge the gap between belief and the reality or the experience of God? Drawing on insights from the early Christian monks and their contributions to the contemplative prayer tradition, the reader is invited to embark upon a pilgrimage to the heart on his or her personal quest to find God.

About the Author

Carol Fowler is the author of Wake up God, a book of meditation for children. She has a master’s degree in pastoral studies and is an avid photographer. Carol spent over thirty years teaching and giving workshops on contemplative prayer and spirituality, as well as facilitating a meditation group at San Quentin federal prison and a ministry at Stanford Children’s Hospital. It was through this work that Carol became aware of the human need for an experiential awareness of God, and the healing effect of meditation and prayer in people’s lives.