Shekinah Unveiled

Rediscovering the True Bride of Christ

by John Whitman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/5/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 700
ISBN : 9781973629566
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 700
ISBN : 9781973629559
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 700
ISBN : 9781973629573

About the Book

Many Christians believe and have been taught that the bride of Christ is the church, and this presupposition is widely held by scholars, ministers, and laity alike as though it were a biblical precept. Yet this view actually owes its origins to pagan heresy and mysticism that infiltrated the church over the centuries. In fact, the scriptures tell us who Jesus will marry—and it is neither the Christian church nor Israel.

Shekinah Unveiled examines and irrevocably dismantles the ages-old traditions that maintain that the church is the bride of Christ and that Israel was Yahweh’s wife. Author and theologian John Whitman proves, from scripture, who the true bride of Christ and the wives of Yahweh are, and he explains why it matters to know the identity of the bride of Christ.

Knowledge of the true identity of the bride of Christ affects multiple core doctrines of faith—the imago Dei, marriage, sexuality and the family, sin, Christology, ecclesiology, eschatology, judgment, bridal theology, and theology proper. And because the latter is itself the bedrock upon which not only systematic theology but each of these other attendant doctrines are founded, the very heart of Christianity is affected by knowing the identity of Christ’s bride.

About the Author

John Whitman attended Andersonville Theological Seminary, where he received a number of theological degrees: an associate of biblical studies (2011), a bachelor of theology (2012), a master of theology (2013), and a master of divinity (2018). He is currently pursuing his doctor of ministry degree, and he is a licensed expositor of the scriptures who uses his theological and language training to proclaim God’s Word without compromise.