Our Passover Lamb
Book Details
About the Book
How would you like to dig into a treasure chest and be able to pull out the treasure you find? You can keep it forever. What if you found out that the treasure chest had no bottom to it? You can keep pulling out treasures day after day after day. You’ve hit the jackpot! That’s what you can do by studying the Bible, God’s Word.
The author divided Jesus’ last days on earth into days of the week so families today could read the story of what happened to Jesus on the same day of the week it occurred. On Sunday, for example, you would read what happened to Jesus on Sunday. Since the Jewish day began at sundown, words like sundown, even, or evening meal were used as the criteria for determining when a new day began.
Not wanting to miss any words in the four gospels, the author decided to combine each of the gospel stories into one combined story. By doing this, it soon became apparent that Jesus was actually crucified on Thursday. He followed all of the Jewish laws about Passover! He was crucified at the exact moment the priest was slaying the Passover lamb in the temple! He truly is Our Passover Lamb!
At the end of the book are several Bible studies the author had written in the past, and she hopes you will enjoy them during your own Bible study.
About the Author
Starting while she was in high school, she learned to love studying the Bible from her mother, a wonderful teacher. One Sunday, high school students were asked to teach the lesson to adults. Her lesson was on Abraham sacrificing Isaac. After studying that topic, she became hooked on truly studying the Bible. It is full of treasures!
She attended Baylor University and majored in education. But she loved the Bible classes so much and kept taking so many, religion became her minor. That began years of studying and teaching. She learned that God has written great and wonderful things in His word. You just have to take the time to dig for them. The more you dig, the more you find. It never stops.