Words can build up or tear down. They can pour out kindness, encouragement, and edifying thoughts, or they can diminish, cripple and wound. Your words clearly define your heart condition. They can be tools for good or weapons for evil. They are powerful little packages that carry within their use a strong indicator of their origin, their birthplace. Do they emanate from a deep well of compassion and wisdom and love or from a brackish pool of self-indulgence, foolishness, or evil intent? Do they reflect, represent, and honor God, or effectively advance the forces of rebellion attempting to weaken, tear down, and bring to naught God’s kingdom purposes? Words are like seeds, whose potential harvest in a life can be deadly or life-giving. Given their extraordinary influence, we need to give careful attention to the manner in which we affect our lives and the lives around us with the words we choose to speak.
We are made in the image and likeness of our Heavenly Father (Genesis 1:26) Who “speaks of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed” (Romans 4:17). He spoke this world into existence (Genesis 1) and everything that we see was created through that Word (John 1:3). More than that we have been given an authority that we seldom fully walk in. Submitted to God, immersed in His Word, obedient to the leading and counsel of the Holy Spirit, and walking out in the authority that our Father says is ours through faith in Jesus, we are to take and exert dominion in our lives. This is accomplished through faith; through God’s Word spoken out in faith that it will come to pass.
We mature into this practice by degree through the ongoing discovery of His “alive and full of power […active, operative, energizing and effective]” Word (Hebrews 4:12). It truly is accomplished through practice and experience; through speaking forth God’s Word in faith and observing the results, in our lives and the lives of others. It is also accomplished through purposeful time in, and study of, the Word; obedience to God’s leading concerning the church you are to attend (for faith comes through hearing the uncompromised Word of God preached in a manner that acknowledges its authority and power); and daily tuning in to the counsel and guidance of the Holy Spirit, Whose ministry is specifically intent on leading you into the fullness of a faith walk based entirely on God’s Word.
Heavenspeak is a word given to me, I believe, by the Holy Spirit. It encompasses all aspects of our lives in the Spirit. It is the daily practice of facing any and every situation that we encounter in life through the lens of the Word. It is speaking that Word out in faith and reaping kingdom results; the spoken certainty that God is ever true to His promises. Our Father’s Word is filled with wonderful promises concerning His provision, His guidance, and His loving, affectionate and watchful care (1 Peter 5:7); promises that are appropriated by faith in His assurance that there is a self-fulfilling power inherent in the Word of God (Isaiah 61:11) and that He watches over that Word spoken in faith to bring it to pass (Jeremiah 1:12). My prayer, as I write, is that you will come daily to experience and mature in “the glorious freedom of God’s children” (Romans 8:21) to which, as God’s family, we were all called (Galatians 5:1). That freedom which is undergirded by a full understanding of the power of His Word on your behalf; that you will discover and live fully in that state of peace, “serene confidence, free from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts” (2 Peter 3:14), that you will enjoy the “untroubled, undisturbed well-being” (Luke 8:48) which life in the Word, in Christ, establishes.
When we make the determination to speak God’s Word in faith into every situation we encounter, to every mountain that presumes to stand in our way, to any issue we face or doubt we have that does not line up with God’s covenant promises with His people, we are practicing our Heavenspeak and greatly pleasing our Father (Hebrews 10:38). He gave us His all-powerful Word to speak forth and expect results.
We become more “fluent” in our Heavenspeak, more effective in the formation of faith-filled words and pronouncements, as we daily renew our minds with our Father’s Word. When we see something in the Word but are not experiencing it in our lives, how do we remedy that? How do we live fully within our rightful place as citizens of His kingdom? How do we fully experience the Truth that it is our Father’s “good pleasure” to give us the kingdom (Luke 12:32) and all that signifies? Our testimony, our speaking forth the Word of God into each and every situation we encounter, and the testimony of others are the overcoming factors.