Temptations and Trials Faced by Bible Legends

by Michael Kotch



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/21/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781973639510
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781973639497
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781973639503

About the Book

We all face temptations and trials in our lives, and how we deal with these times can be defining moments in our lives. So how do we choose the right thing instead of the easiest thing, or the most pleasurable thing? The best way for Christians to successfully respond to temptations and trials in their lives is to start with the Bible.

Temptations and Trials Faced by Bible Legends looks at temptations and trials that major characters of the Bible faced, and author and psychologist Michael Kotch shows how these Bible legends tended to fall into one of three categories when faced with a major trial or temptation: either they turned to God for guidance and did whatever God wanted them to do, or they did not follow God, with one group repenting for their disobedience and the other group simply continuing in the wrong direction. In the end, we can learn how doing what is right in God’s eyes can be much different than doing what is “right” in our own, and that the best outcomes follow from consulting with God.

God promises that we will never be tempted beyond our abilities, and he will always provide us with a way out of our temptations and trials. And for Christians, when we read the Bible daily, use it to create a plan of action, and always do what is right according to God, we can be confident in God’s leadership as we develop a character in the image of Christ.

About the Author

I am a licensed psychologist practicing at an outpatient Christian counseling agency in Southeast Pennsylvania. I received my doctorate degree in clinical psychology from Widener University in 2003. I am a licensed psychologist practicing at an outpatient Christian counseling agency in Southeast Pennsylvania. I received my doctorate degree in clinical psychology from Widener University in 2003. I have thirteen years’ experience practicing at Christian counseling agencies, and I have been working in the counseling/human services field since 1989. I taught undergraduate psychology courses in 2004 and 2005. I have been the religious instruction teacher for the fifth- and sixth-grade students at my local church since 2012. I am an avid believer that we all need to know the Word of God and use it in our daily lives. I have read various editions of the Bible cover to cover eight-plus times, plus the entire Jewish Tanakh. I am always encouraging others to read and use the Bible in their lives.I presently have three books under contract to be published this fall:• Faith Through Hardships Draws Others to Christ (Westbow Press)• Lessons for Christians from the Trials of Job (Christian Faith Publishing)• The Good Things Jesus Does for Us, to Us, and Through Us (Christian Faith Publishing) I have been married for twenty-three years to my wife, Mary. We have a son, Jacob, and a daughter, Johanna. We live in a small town in Southeast Pennsylvania.