It Happened One Week in Jerusalem

When Christ Was Crucified

by George M. Goodrich



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/25/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781973652694
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781973652687

About the Book

The idea for this book really started when I heard a story on the internet concerning Logan and how he had to put down a calf because its mother couldn’t provide the necessary nourishment. Logan was just a ten- or twelve-year-old at the time and a son of a farmer. I don’t know if that internet site is still active as you read this, but it was a sad tale from a young son of the farmer, and the calf was basically his responsibility. He was a wise young man for his age, however, and reflected on the task as being similar to God having to put down his son. He made the comment that he couldn’t imagine how God felt when his son was put on the cross. Since I have difficulty knowing how God felt as well, I accepted this lack of understanding as a challenge for writing this book. I chose the last days of Jesus here on earth as the inspiration. I wanted to see if I could put this sacrificial act into a perspective that I could understand. Although I didn’t use every act, the ones I chose were selected to determine if I could put myself into Jesus’s situation and respond as Jesus did or at least respond according to my understanding and interpretation of how Jesus responded.


About the Author

George M. Goodrich is a graduate Metallurgical Engineer with over 50 years of consulting experience in the world of metallurgical failure analysis and foundry technology, none of which has anything to do with the subject of this book. However, he has put his writing experience from his professional world to use in addressing the issues surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection he has found inspiring all throughout his career. With an active church life serving in various capacities throughout the years as secretary, treasurer, Board Chairman, lay missionary, and even presenting an occasional Sunday morning message, he has plenty of experience to share on the subject. His first book, Adventures with Apples and Snakes in the Garden of Eden addressed the obedience issue from the beginning. This current endeavor addresses a completely different aspect of obedience.