First, we must evaluate the reality of God. Do you believe in God? Are you comfortable discussing the person of God? The Bible teaches in the very beginning was God. When did God appear you might ask and that is a great question, one which I can only answer with the authority, the only authority there is on God and that is the Bible. Genesis chapter one explains that God was there before the beginning of time. Before there was a cosmos {the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system} God created the heavens and the earth. God was there before the stars and the atmosphere. God was there long before the earth was created as we know and see it. In fact, according to the bible God created the atmosphere and the world therein. God is the Head of the Trinity which we know as the “Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit”. God is and was and forever will be God! The name God is defined as {the one Supreme Being, the creator, and ruler of the universe} and if the dictionary defines God as such, we must consider that throughout the time of history of man, and the developments that man has been able to discover along with the advancement of the technological world we know there is much more information available than is defined by the scientific minds of this modern age. God through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son said: “I tell you the truth” as if there were a way for God to lie. The Bible tells us that God cannot tell a lie as a mere man will, according to Titus chapter one, verse two. We need to understand that God did not, never has and never will lie to you. A reality about God is that He will never lie. Hebrews chapter thirteen teaches that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever more (Hebrew 13:8). Since Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and since He is working under the authority of God the Father (Mark 11:29). We can conclude that God is real.
We can further believe in the reality of God, due to the many wonders and signs that He has performed to which history confirms. Dr. Werner Keller, in his work titled “The Bible as history” provides detailed accounts of archeological digs in early 1900’s which uncovered factual evidence of Biblical events and cities that are monumental in Bible history. God was there through it all and before.
Paul stated in Romans 3:9 that “all men are under the penalty of sin”. That means you and I are not only subject to sin, but we are certain to sin. Therefore the reality for us is there is nothing we can do to avoid sin, nothing we can do to be separate from sin and nothing we can do to eradicate sin from our lives, nothing that is except having a personal relationship with God through atoning work of Jesus His only begotten Son. God is real and if a man will allow Him the place in his life to lead guide rescue and save as only God can and will do. God is real and desires a real relationship with humanity.