The Book of Acts

Is it Historically Accurate?

by Stuart F. Hayes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/10/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973672647
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973672630

About the Book

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, ordinary men and women burst into the world with a message of redemption and new life. In particular, the apostles Paul and Barnabas journeyed into the heart of the powerful Roman empire. They staked their lives on the authenticity of what they called Good News, and crossed difficult political boundaries, as well as cultural, social and economic. The fact that the message crossed those boundaries so fluidly suggests a level of magnitude and historical reliability. The New Testament book of Acts chronicles many of the early church’s first, fragile steps. Does it read like a time-bound, ancient text? Or is it timeless? Do the characters appear human? Does it read like the unfiltered perspectives of eyewitnesses? Or is it “selling” a story? Is the text of Acts consistent with the content of the New Testament letters?

About the Author

Dr. Stuart Hayes has advanced degrees in both science and divinity, so he brings a rigorous but respectful approach to the New Testament book of Acts. This book combining reflection and commentary is intentionally written with laypeople in mind using careful, but commonsense thought. That is not to say it will be dismissed by, or is dismissive of, the work of scholars. Instead, it is a book written to people genuinely wrestling with doubts about the authenticity of New Testament writings that often go unaddressed by or are needlessly complexified by scholars. This book fills a need to return to the text of Acts in order to release it to speak for itself. Along the way, it picks up important details a casual reader might miss and puts confidence back in the hands of readers to judge for themselves.