Old Ladies Wear Undershirts
Book Details
About the Book
The Mrs. Maggie you will meet here is like no other lady who is beyond 94 years of age. Where her energy comes from is anybody’s guess. She grew up in a family of six; one older sister and two older brothers. Her father was a carpenter and her mother stayed home. She grew up in a rural area where most people earned their wages from fishing and/or farming corn, soy beans, or tobacco. Her parents had a strong belief in God and taught their beliefs to their children. They also taught them survival skills, instilled a great work ethic, and disciplined them by the rulings of the Bible.
Mrs. Maggie married Mr. Charles and they had nine children; six boys and three girls. They raised their children with the Bible as their guide. They both believed that everything one does in life can be found and spoken to in the Bible. That was what they both grew up believing, and that is what they taught their children. All their children attended public school, but they, as parents, also taught them again at home. They attended church services where good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, and such things as honor, respect, ethics, and worship were taught. Again, as parents, they taught their children Bible lessons at home to show how it could apply to daily living.
After Mr. Charles’ death and all the children had moved away and were married, Mrs. Maggie continued to live in the large white house on the corner. She began to spend more time making useful and highly appreciated gifts for others who lived in the neighborhood. Leslie and Melba were two young girls who absolutely adored her and spent many hours with her. They were not with her every day, but they did spend many hours in her company learning about life.
About the Author
Barbara Regan is a storyteller and she enjoys reading – not only to herself, but also to others.
When she reads stories to young children in the library, the scenes sometimes become so lifelike until the children begin to visually search the room with the hope that they will actually see the characters in the stories. She often animates as she reads stories. Whether the listeners are at elementary level, high school, or adult, their attention is riveted. She is as excited about reading the story as her audience is excited about listening to it.
Whether teaching Sunday school as a teenager, or attending classes, or leading adult groups the desire to know more and help others more was always there. It is still part of the fabric which leads this author to the sources to improve. She is always seeking to learn and serve God.
To know Barbara Regan is to know she enjoys her craft. She is degreed in Education, with advanced degrees in Reading, Library Science and Communication Media, and Administration. She has taught and administered from eighth grade level to university level.