Healing to Wholeness

by Dr. Bonnie L. Westhoff



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781973648659
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781973648666

About the Book

Dr. Westhoff received training as a healing prayer minister at Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida, and served for five years, seeing many people healed. She shares what the Holy Spirit taught her during this time. She gives four types of healing: generational, occultic, inner, and physical. Part II includes actual prayers to release any spirits causing psychological or physical sickness. Part III shows how to walk out our healing so that we can attain wholeness. Revelation chapters 2 and 3 call for all seven churches to repent and be an overcomer. Part III gives examples of how wholeness was obtained in appointments. It provides a scriptural background to become an overcomer and live a godly relationship in order to have a Christ-centered relationship with mankind. We need to heal our country, and this healing has to begin within family unity.

About the Author

Bonnie Westhoff and her husband, Ronnie, worked at the same international corporation while raising their son. In retirement, Bonnie attended Logos Christian College and Graduate School in Jacksonville, Florida, earning her Bachelor’s in Leadership/Administration, her Master’s in Christian Counseling, and her Doctorate in Ministry/Theology. She was ordained in 2003. Her husband went to be with the Lord in 2009. She feels she has been called to minister wholeness.

Recently she moved to Palmer, Alaska with her son Ron, and his wife Jennifer. She has three grandchildren: Hollie, Stephanie and Amy. Her biggest regret in life is that she lived at the opposite ends of the United States and has missed living close to her family. But God has been so faithful to allow her to draw close to her family before her life is complete. She visions the last page in her life book to read, and she lived happily ever after. Visit her website www.BonnieWesthoff.com