Prayer and healing go together. Prayer is the way to Jesus and Jesus is the Healer. The answer to prayer comes down to one thing: we believe that God wants something more than we do because everything we pray for is to the glory of God. We pray to the Father in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus prayed He delivered people from evil spirits and they were made well. “He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick (Mt 8:16).” Jesus delivered; then healed.
Jesus said He only did what the Father did. We do what Jesus did; we deliver and then heal, always through Jesus. Healing is bigger than the medical field, and bigger than man’s ability to understand spiritual healing. Healing isn’t from anything we do; it is because Jesus wants it more than we do. It is never about us; it is always about Jesus.
As I recorded principles that the Holy Spirit revealed, appointment after appointment, I realized a pattern formed to break heavenly spirits first in order for the recipient to be freed to overcome strongholds. This probably was in the CHM training but for me as I wrote down the process and became an experienced prayer minister my training became a reality. CHM gives the four types of healing below and I realized how they had to be implemented in that order. First to break the predispositional heavenly spirits, those big spirits that can even dominate cities and special areas. For instance, the spirit of leviathan is the spirit of pride that can be over a whole church and dominate their members. Only after those spirits are broken do we cast out the stronghold earthly smaller demons that affect our thoughts like the spirit of fear. We can see how we have to get to the top of Satan’s organization of spiritual order to be able to weaken his authority over us. We have to include the whole physical realm of humanity that God has created. Without attending to the wholeness of mankind, we cannot be totally healed.
Break Heavenly Spirits Cast Out Earthly Spirits
1. Generational Healing (Spirit) 3. Inner Healing (Mind)
2. Occultic Healing (Soul) 4. Physical Healing (Body)
The soul is controlled by a heavenly spirit, while the mind is controlled by an earthly stronghold. The soul consists of the mind, will and emotions. Yet, we separate the two in healing. When the soul is taken over in a psychotic way through witchcraft, we can lose control. We understand the difference between soul and mind. First Corinthians 2:16 says that a Christian has the mind of Christ. We renew the mind (Rom 12:1-2). Inner healing is to take on the mind of Christ to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ which is the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor 10:5). Genesis 1:26 says, “Let us make man in our image.” Then it says in verse 28, “Be fruitful and multiply.” This means we are a spirit being and take on the fruit of the Holy Spirit as seen in Galatians 5:22 and live walking in the spirit (spiritual) overcoming the flesh (worldly). Inner healing comes when we see everything the way Jesus sees it.
In most cases, inner healing takes place before physical healing happens. First, to break Satan’s hold by bringing generational healing to the spirit. Second, to break Satan’s hold by bringing occultic healing to the soul. The first two healings are heavenly strong predispositional spirits that usually come down from generations and are in our DNA. Only after they are broken can we do inner healing which is to cast out earthly demonic stronghold spirits. Strongholds come from living in our environment and are things like the spirit of fear, perverse spirit, lying spirit, spirit of infirmity and iniquity, all spoken of in the Bible. They can also be handed down through our DNA. Mark 16:17 is the great commission to all believers to cast out demons in order to heal the sick. This is exactly what Jesus did; first He cast out the demon(s) and then people were made well. We can pray these spirits away at the altar in church every Sunday. We have to be cleansed so we know how to cleanse others and set the captives free, the reason Jesus came (Lk 4:18).
Physical healing comes as a result of deliverance and healing from the first three types of healing. Many times the pain is gone by the time we get to the fourth type. Physical healing has two parts. Physical healing can be a spiritual gift from God by the laying on of hands. God can and often does heal through prayer. However, we have often caused our own illness. We abuse our bodies and then want a miracle from God. God’s healing is to draw us close to Him. Confession and repentance both mean we turn from the sin of abuse (i.e., tobacco, alcohol, drugs, obesity, unrighteous living, etc.). God does not bring on sickness, but because we have a free will, He doesn’t stop us from abusing our body either. We take sixty years abusing our body and then want God to do a miracle. The human body has many systems at work and fixing one system doesn’t always bring healing to wholeness. This is the area where the Holy Spirit is convicting us to know how the brain is wired and how brain chemicals need to be balanced. My experience as an addictions counselor is always causing me to look for a balanced homeostasis (state of the body and brain). The body will always want to return to the state it was in yesterday – this is how we become addicted.
Healing to wholeness is to understand spiritual wellness which leads us to want to maintain optimum physical health.