Dangerously Different

by Lisa T. Storr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/22/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781973660545
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781973660521
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781973660538

About the Book

Throughout the pathway of life, I have come to fully understand the importance of sharing our individual experiences despite the complexity of openness required. If by my being unprotected and transparent about my life as it relates to God, myself, my purpose, family, friends, money and marriage can help others from undergoing a portion of the self-inflecting pain, my journey is worth it. This book has produced a newfound courage in me to voice my truth.

Dangerously Different is not your typical book about life. It will not give you ten steps to follow to achieve greatness. Instead, it will give you the courage to assess, embrace, and love the authentic you regardless of your flaws, unhealthy choices, and fears.

I am sharing my story in faith, believing that as the pages unfold, you will allow yourself to see your own life through the eyes of God and know that all things are possible. It will teach you to be intentional about cultivating your purpose while using your gifts and talents to bring change to unhealthy situations. We all have the potential to live an abundant life—that is, if you make a choice to shift your mindset in areas where negativity and worthless information is apparent and growth is not evident.

This process is dangerously different from what most of us practice. However, if you are slightly open to seeing the benefits of my journey, I believe you too can achieve the life you desire. Understand that your most-difficult challenges of life will produce an inward strength that affects others. The good news is you can start on any chapter that appeals to your heart. I wrote the book based on the way God downloaded it into my heart. He is first in my life; I dared myself to be different like Jesus, and now the authentic me can thrive, living a life where limitless love, transparency, and faith flow naturally—the secret I believe to fulfilling your godly purpose.

About the Author

Lisa T. Storr is a Mother, Friend, Mentor, Consultant, Author, Entrepreneur, and the Founder of “Love You Real Hard, Inc.” A company that strives to expose the challenges that attempt to prohibit us from finding our real purpose. Her mission is to work diligently to educate, equip and enhance all those desiring to connect, and obtain vital tools to be successful, while providing continuous encouragement through the power of healthy love.

Lisa believes that through the power of healthy love, there are endless possibilities for all of us to make a huge difference in the lives of all we encounter, while positively changing our environment. She has confidence in her faith that when we know that people are extraordinary gifts our Creator permits to participate in our journey, the cause and effect is mind-blowing.

Amidst seeking destiny, Lisa is blessed with two of the most precious gifts a Creator could award, her sons: Chris and Devin. In her spare time, Lisa enjoys spending time with family and friends along with traveling around the world adding exciting chapters to her great book of life!