Marriage has a divine purpose -- I find this in the book of Genesis.
1.) For the perfect help meet, (for him.)
2.) Godly companionship, (for both)
3.) It is for the procreation of legitimate children
4.) For sexual satisfaction inside of marriage
5.) It is set as an example or (pattern) of Jesus Christ
and His Bride, the Christian Church
6) To improve us (as human beings) in personal growth and development
7.) To Please God and give Him pleasure in our fellowship together
This is why I say, “Marriage is the biggest decision of your life!”
Let me repeat that: Marriage is the biggest, most important decision of your life! No matter what your age is, marriage SHOULD NEVER BE TAKEN LIGHTLY!
Marriage is the process of freely allowing your Beloved Mate into your world. Your spouse will (and should) have all access to every part of your life. So, you should be able to trust them with your heart, and innermost thoughts without any fear of condemnation.
Another factor: You are also trusting them with your finances and credit score. The idea is to build your family with every ounce of your being -- together. That includes talents, and intellect; dreams, desires and visions. This calls for FULL CLEARANCE AND FULL ACCESS! When you say those words, “I do,” you did! It’s settled. Know this: What they have done to their own reputation, they will do to yours. So, if you discover that the idea of personal reputation and ownership was important to them, they will be careful with your name. Also, understand that if they have a bad reputation, and were irresponsible, their reputation, just became your reputation. (It’s very much something to consider.)
Next begins day one of husband and wife; (Mr. and Mrs). The development of becoming ONE with another person. Your spouse should be you closest friend - so, there should be no hidden secrets between you. Personalities and humor matter - in this realm of lifetime companionship. Then we are to protect that union; nurture that delicate relationship and allow it to blossom.
“...and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” -- Genesis 2:25
I can still hear the promises,
“To have and to hold, from this day forward,
for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer,
in sickness and in health, forsaking all others,
till death do us part.”
-- (Author Unknown),
Traditional Marriage vows
Premarital Counseling (PMC), is vital. Why? Because it’s a safe place to lay out open dialogue and talk with a neutral party, in order set terms and boundaries early.
“The Pastor should ascertain the fitness of the parties to be married, bearing in mind particularly the scriptural references on the marriage of divorced persons and the believers who would be “yoked together with unbelievers.” (II Corinthians 6:14).” -- Pastor’s Handbook, (Wedding Ceremonies), by Joseph Arthur.
“A union embodying such ideals is not to be entered into lightly, or unadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly, soberly and in the fear of God.” -- Pastor’s Handbook, (Weddings), by Joseph Arthur.
In the 1700’s, Matthew Henry recorded these words:
“She was not made of his head to top him; not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him; under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.” The newly married pair lived blissfully among the peaceful, tame animals with Adam and Eve tending the garden of Eden. God provided man a “helpmeet,” while joining the husband and wife in sweet communion and companionship. Marriage was ordained to be a lifelong relationship between two people, who would leave their families to become one new family. From this union, the male and female provide a child’s body and life -- but God furnished the eternal soul. From that moment in the garden, God blessed the family. It is His plan, His design. We are to view our own family structure as part of that Divine design. The mother and father act as God’s representatives to protect, direct and bless their children until they mature. End.” --Jerry Twentier and Marcella Willhoite: Search for Truth II Home Bible Study, God’s Divine Plan.
The above reference describes the tremendous responsibility that man has towards this union of holy matrimony. In his writing, I can see perfectly God’s expectation and blueprint for success: “She was taken out of his own body...side by side, under his arm to be protected; near his heart to be loved. She transforms naturally into his helpmeet; ordained as his Life Long partnership.”
Pastors also hold a sacred office to speak up, if they believe the marriage is not right.
“Tactfully handled, the act of refusing to perform a marriage ceremony need not prove embarrassing. But embarrassing or not, a minister of the Gospel, is under obligation to adhere to the scriptural stands he or she has been pledged to uphold.” -- -- Pastor’s Handbook, (Weddings), by Joseph Arthur.