Strength Where I Am Weak
Consider This…
“There is great joy in overcoming a difficult situation…
and tremendous growth as well!”
There is so very much that, with you, God so longs to do,
But on the way there are things you will have to go through.
If life was always easy, no difficult things to be done,
Then we all would be doing great, always having fun.
Those who become very successful are not those who are problem-free,
But those who in spite of problems, say, “Successful I shall be”.
Success is available to you, but you must be determined to do what it takes.
More painful are the results of never having tried, than having tried and made mistakes.
To sow in excellence you must do the easy things and those which are tough.
To do one without the other simply would not be enough.
The only thing that has separated you from all the success that you seek,
May be that you need God’s help…need Him to strengthen you where you’re weak.
Begin today to ask God to help you, your difficult situations to face,
And to strengthen you to then follow through, each challenge to embrace.
We are still trying to get it right. So some things can’t be done the same old way.
Why not ask God to strengthen you where you are weak…why not ask Him today.
Embrace the Challenges
God does indeed have great plans for your life. In order for Him to be able to use you the way He has in mind to be a blessing on the order that He would like, you will have to overcome some things. You will have to face, and then work your way through some problems. We know that in this life we will have troubles. If we were able to live our lives problem-free then many of us might possibly feel like we had no real need of God’s intervention in our life. One thing that separates those who become successful in life from others is that they do not let the problems they encounter stop them from moving forward. They face their problems head on, and seeking and being blessed with God’s help, work them out, and move on with their lives, on the way to their destiny. There are none of us who do not face difficulties in life. That same success achieved by those who press their way in spite of their problems is available to you as well. Again, that same success achieved by those who press their way in spite of their problems is available to you. But you must be determined to do what it takes…face and work your way through the problems you encounter. One of the worst things we can do when problems arise in our lives is nothing…to ignore them as if they weren’t there or as if they will just go away on their own. Those problems are there and they won’t just go away because you wish they weren’t. It is absolutely necessary to acknowledge them and address them, even if you are not able to get the solution just right. Good results will not come when you simply ignore them. Ignoring your problems is the course that is taken generally out of fear of one kind or another. But God did not give us a spirit of fear. He gave us a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind. Of course, we must do all the things we need to do in order to achieve success. Certainly, some things are much easier than others. Just about all of us are very willing to do the easy things…but we have to be determined and able to do the more difficult things as well in order to begin to sow in excellence. Thank and praise God for the areas in which you are strong. Thank God for any and all the success you are currently achieving in your life. But, in order for your life to be moved to the next level of excellence you may simply need to be strengthened in the area(s) where you are weak. It may be time for you to ask God (the only One Who can do so) to do just that…to strengthen you where you are weak. Begin today to seek God’s help in changing your ways regarding how you see challenges. Instead of avoiding your challenges, ask God to change you so that you begin to embrace them. Not facing your troubles, has not worked in the past and it is not likely to start working now, any time soon, or ever. Doing things the same old (wrong) way is not going to make a positive difference in your life. Ask God to allow that change to begin in your life today. God will strengthen you where you are weak.
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”
James 1:2-4