We are shocked, nearly every day, as we see, hear about, and feel every aspect of our lives being violently torn apart by the atrocious crimes of violence. We cry out for help! We see the brutal, cruel crimes that humanity pours out of their cups filled with hatred, greed, and corruption upon the innocent lives of others. As our hands longingly reach out to grab for some hope in this insane world we truly wonder if such a life-saving hope really does exist. Are we all like fish in a large ocean who consider each day that they can actually avoid predators, (whose sole purpose in life is to prey and feed on others), a successful day? Are we nothing more than eventual victims to someone who has devoted their entire life to the sole purpose of bringing about our death?
As we watch the news, read the newspapers, and observe the daily occurrences in the world we cry in despair and ask ourselves, “Is this life? Is this the world I really want to live in?” We each know that, physically, we all must live in this world, but if you have read “The Enchanting Adventures of Christian Nature” you know that this is not the real world that the Christian has to live in. Though physically living in this external, temporary world, the Christian has been given the privilege of receiving a special invitation to live in a unique, God-created heart, a world filled with the beauty of the patience of Christian Nature. Whether the Christian chooses to live in such a world or, rather, chooses to make their home in the external world, is totally up to them.
Is there hope for those who choose to live in their “real” world of atrocious crimes against humanity? There will only be hope if Christians, who choose to live in their God-created hearts, will bring out of this wonderful world the beauty that they find everywhere. It will only happen if they will bring it out through their mind and life and seek to show God’s incredible love for everyone through the undying gentleness, joy, and kindness that they can relentlessly and courageously show to everyone. It wii only happen if each person chooses to live like a magically enchanted goblet, one that is filled to overflowing with golden drops of comfort which only God can provide through them. It will only happen if we allow our lives to be poured out upon others who may never, in their lives, have tasted the sweetness of gentleness, kindness, and joy.
This story is about being that goblet, one filled with the comfort and encouragement that has only God as the ultimate source of all comfort. We must remember that we can only share this comfort with others if we have experienced it ourselves. Yes, my friends, a comfort which we can only share if we choose to actually live inside our own God-created heart, in the beautiful world of our own imagination.
In this cold, cruel world we must always realize that there are many people who are desperately searching for “beautiful” people to be around. These “beautiful” people have a life’s purpose of being a blessing and real source of encouragement to others. May, by God’s Grace, we be those “beautiful” people that others are so desperately seeking. Or maybe you are one of those searching for a “beautiful” person, who only exists for the purpose of helping you through your journey called “life”. My counsel to you would be: find these people! Search for them with the same intensity you would search for a hidden treasure! Once you find them, stay as close to them as possible. For you see, their only purpose in life is to keep you warm with the comforting blanket of love in the mid#t of a frozen world; a world that is constantly producing the icy tentacles of evil and hatred. Yes, my friends, stay close to these sources of comfort and happiness, for they are contagious and could produce the same in you, so that God may use you to be a real source of happiness, warmth, and comfort to others.