Just Suppose
Book Details
About the Book
Just Suppose contains a variety of topics and poetry styles to please even the most disavowed literary critic. Written with simplistic metaphors, it reveals messages that may not otherwise be considered. Fashioned with common thread of faith, it challenges the reader to look beyond what is seen, to the invisible world viewed through the lens of the heart. A cup of tea, a cozy chair, and a copy of Just Suppose to help you unwind at the end of your day.
About the Author
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, TJ Linn has a deep appreciation for beauty in nature. Her passion for poetry began in her late teens and has continued throughout her adult life. Orphaned at a tender age led to her stalwart love for God, family, and friends. Often she is called on for prayer and will beautifully deliver the comfort, peace, and hope of the Lord. TJ Linn’s poetry is accredited to the inspiration that stems from her relationship with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.