Facing The Hidden Pain From The Past

by Sonia Mayo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/11/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781664271777
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781664271760

About the Book

REMNANTS OF RESIDUE is a book to help encourage others to be healed from their past. So many times in life we encounter negative situations that impact our lives and we don’t know how it affects us. These situations leave scars, something called Residue. Unless we acknowledge and confront the situation, the scar remains and healing never takes place. So, we carry that pain, hurt or even torment throughout our lives and never experience the healing God intends for us to have. In this book, the author share’s some personal experiences she encountered and how God helped her to experience her freedom. She believes that it’s time for you also to be healed from your past, so that you too can truly move forward in life and fulfill the purpose God created you for.

About the Author

Sonia Mayo is an ordained Elder and a Certified Christian Counselor whom has spoken at various women’s conferences, seminars and churches, encouraging others to walk in their freedom. Sonia has a passion to see peoples lives changed because of how God changed her life. She believes by keeping things real and being transparent, many people can experience the freedom to talk about their problems and be healed.