Backstage with God
Reconciling Science to the Genesis Creation From a Christ Centered Point of View
Book Details
About the Book
Mr. Maxwell was born in 1939 growing up in Seattle Washington on the shores of Puget Sound a sailing capital in the Northwest. He was exposed to boating and music, playing the violin at an early age. During his early years he played symphony music at the University of Washington summer music program. In his younger years he was exposed to Biblical teaching through his grandparents and grew to trust and love God, but it wasn’t until 30 years later that he made the decision to become a follower of Christ. He attended a number of colleges, studied electronic theory, educational psychology, various sciences and pastoral subjects. During those years he also taught subjects through his church, serving various positions including educational director and interim pastor. He began writing training programs and operational methods while working for ATT and applying that same ability to biblical explanations and church training courses. Backstage with God is his first full length book which he began in 2018. He is currently residing in North Carolina with his family.
Genesis answers the basic question we have all asked ourselves, where did we come from? But it can be a difficult book to understand. Particularly the first few chapters in the book of Genesis which has been a problem for many people. Genesis says that God created the whole world in just 6 24hour days while science claims that it took at least 15 billion years. In Backstage with God, I offer another explanation based solely on science to explain how both science and Genesis are in complete agreement.
Early in the 20 century Albert Einstein developed his theory of relativity which has been proven over and over to be true, that time is subject to both speed and gravity, and can be different depending on one’s perspective. Then, in 1965 two scientists at Bell laboratories discovered an electronic signal they called Cosmic Background Radiation CBR, that was ubiquitous throughout the universe and had been in existence since the big bang. Since that time both of these discoveries have led scientists to explain a phenomenon called time dilation, an accepted scientific anomaly which occurred during the early expansion of the universe.
About the Author
Gene Maxwell was born in Seattle Washington February 14, 1939. He graduated from Ballard HS in 1957, became a Christian in April 1970 and studied under Dr. J. Patrick Maloney, attended Boice Bible School, Southern Seminary Extension, Everett Community College, Franklin University in Columbus Ohio, and Pittsburgh School of the Arts. Mr. Maxwell is a classically trained musician, professional baker, writer, and a Celebrate Recovery leader in Generations Church Southport NC. He currently resides in Winnabow North Carolina, and is the father of 6 children.