Moms Like Christ
Book Details
About the Book
As moms we are super busy! We are pulled in many different directions at the same time in all the while wondering how we will survive. Our kids are our life. We live and breathe for them. But have we truly invested in our children? Have we gone to the Truth source to gain knowledge on what our children truly need? Have we approached God to see His opinion of parenting? Your first excuse may be finding the time. However, we can find time to scroll on social media, group chat with friends, or catch up on our favorite TV show. Our children deserve to be raised by mothers who equip themselves with God’s Word as their guide. Moms Like Christ is ready to help guide you through God’s Word to discover His Truths for your daily life decisions as wives and mothers. Set up to be completed with other Christian moms, Moms Like Christ will lead your group through discussions about 14 attributes of a Christian mom documented by scripture. You will parallel these attributes with women from the bible whose lives can give us guidance on righteous living. Ladies, God’s Word never returns void. As you meet together you will draw closer to Him, to one another, and you will become more confident in fulfilling your God given gift: motherhood.
Book 3: Supermom
Through Supemom you will discuss how to be content, to hold true to Gods Word, how to release our children back to Gods care, to be inspired by other women, how to balance all life throws our way, and how to fully trust God and our husbands. You will parallel these studies with a closer look at the lives of Jochebed, Ruth, Eve, Mary & Martha, Sarah, and Hagar. Each of these bible characters exhibit qualities we as Christian moms should reflect.
About the Author
Inspired to write her testimony at age 40, Sarah discovered God amongst the mess she called her life. At age 20 Sarah married the love of her life, only to discover the hardships of keeping your marriage God-centered. At age 24 she experienced her first heart wrenching miscarriage which led her towards the road of depression. As her life continued it’s up and down journey, Sarah found herself in a very dark place. All the while God was standing by ready and waiting for her to surrender her will to His. During this dark season of her life she became a mother to three children, carried a full-time middle school teaching job, and worked in various ministries. Her life was a constant busy schedule that never seemed to decline in activities. With the help of her husband and Christian friends, Sarah learned to rely on God as her strength. God surrounded her with many different Christian woman mentors; women to help her through when she was unsure of what, where, or how to make it. As she wrote her life story, God revealed to her 14 attributes of a Christian mom. With a deep love for God’s Word, she found 14 women from the Bible that paralleled these attributes. From her written testimony and Gods Word she wrote Moms Like Christ. Sarah wanted to create an environment where older women could mentor the younger women (Titus 2:3-5). Together with sisters in Christ women could study scripture, discuss the struggles of being a wife and mom, and develop relationships that would last a lifetime in the process. Sarah Bibler is a farmer’s wife of 23 years, mother of 3 amazing children, taught school for 19 years, and continues to mentor women in and out of her home.