Galatians 1:10-24
Liberated for Life
The context of Galatians 1:10-24 is spiritual defection from the truths of Jesus Christ. Paul wrote that those who do defect and turn away from Christ are Anathema: accursed and dedicated to destruction (see Galatians 1:6-9).
Introductory Considerations:
Since spiritual defection is a process that does not happen overnight, from the following verses discover the steps that lead to turning away from Christ:
James 4:4 Being a ___________ of the world (friendship with the world)
1 John 2:15-17 You develop a ______ for the world (agape love speaks of a pattern of commitment)
Romans 12:1-2 You become ___________ to the world (to be conformed is to be “fashioned like”)
1 Corinthians 11:31-32 You are ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________ with the world (to be condemned is to be judged)
Exercise: The world is that system of values that leaves Christ out of the daily consciousness of life. It is a world-view that disregards Scripture. Do you find yourself somewhere on the slippery slope of defection from Christ? If so, on which step are you: friendship with the world, having a pattern of love or commitment for the values of the world, conformity to the world, or in the process of being condemned with the world? God wants you to be transformed by Jesus and not conformed to the same world system that crucified Jesus.
Put an "X" on the appropriate line:
_____ I have not compromised my testimony or commitment to Christ.
_____ I find myself being a friend of the world - interested in what society’s values have to offer.
_____ I have developed some commitments to society’s system of values.
_____ I have embraced the lifestyle of society and lack a conscience conviction to change.
_____ My sins have found me out. I am experiencing the consequences of my non- biblical choices.
Note: Misplaced priorities, a failure to count the cost of your sin, spiritual immaturity, distancing yourself from the cross, and the myth of the greener grass contribute to a person’s movement away from Christ (see Lot in Genesis 13:5-13 and Demas in 2 Timothy 4:10).
Getting more specific: Using the following passages of Scripture, record the last calendar date on which you found yourself experiencing the following condition(s) of spiritual drift:
Hebrews 2:2-3 Neglecting your spiritual life in favor of other interests
Date: ________
Hebrews 3:12-13 Experiencing a growing insensitivity to spiritual things
Date: ________
Hebrews 5:11 Reacting with stubbornness concerning spiritual matters
Date: ________
Hebrews 10:23-24 Drifting away from your spiritual moorings (becoming indifferent to/reconsidering your faith or commitment to Christ)
Date: ________
Hebrews 10:26-27 Open rebellion against God and His ways
Date: ________
Apply: If you are faithful to Christ, remain obedient to Him. If you are unfaithful to God and His Word, decide today to make an act of the will, re-engage your spiritual commitments, and make a course correction for your life that is consistent with God’s Word.
Read: Galatians 1:10-16
Apply: Can people who are merely “religious” practice a lifestyle of non-conformity to society’s sin-centered values? If so, list some groups or individuals who, apart from having a relationship with Christ, refuse to conform to society.
_____ Yes _____ No _____ Not sure of the difference between practicing non-conformity in my own strength and living a lifestyle of non-conformity in the power of God’s Holy Spirit Who helps me
Make a list of groups or individuals who practice non-conformity to society’s sin-centered values in their own strength:
Review: While a personal relationship with Jesus Christ provides believers with the indwelling Holy Spirit Who enables and empowers believers to live a life that
does not conform to society’s sin-centered standards, is it possible that more people are lost to Hell through the practice of pride-filled, works-centered, performance-based, moralistic religion than by any other means?
_____Yes _____ No _____ Not sure
Study: Legalism is the wrong use of right laws. It (legalism) denies God’s power in the believer’s life and is man attempting to please God in his own strength. From Paul’s autobiographical description of himself in Philippians 3:5-6, describe Paul’s pre- conversion attempts to please God in his own.
Philippians 3:5a Concerning the rituals of his birth religion, he was __________________________
Philippians 3:5b Concerning his relationships, he was of the ________-_____- _________________
Philippians 3:5c Concerning his respectability before others, he was of the ______-___-__________
Philippians 3:5d Concerning his pedigree/race, he was a _________ __ ___ ______________________
Philippians 3:5e Concerning his religion (as touching the Old Testament, he was a ______________
Philippians 3:6a Concerning his reputation, with zeal he __________________ the church
Philippians 3:6b Concerning his righteousness, he was ________________ (perfect in how he lived)
Apply: Pride blinds every person to the facts of his shortcomings before God. In what ways do the following facts about your life impress you and fill your mind with a false sense of pride (these categories are the same categories Paul used in Philippians 3:5-6 to inflate his personal pride, impress people, or please God in his own strength) ?
The rituals I experienced at birth, in my youth, or as an adult _______________________________________________
The relationships I maintain with significant, popular, important, or impressive people _______________________________________________________
My national background that I use or mention to raise my respectability with people _________________________________________________________________
My race, in which I take great pride _____________________________________
My attempts to please God through my moral practices and religious observances _______________________________________________________________
My reputation as being passionate about the things of the Lord _________________________________________________
The righteousness of my lifestyle - that I am moral and have strong standards ____________________________________________________________
Answer: On which of the following will God base His forgiveness of your sins and allow you into His heaven?
My ritualistic observances
_____ Yes _____ No
The relationships I have with people or institutions
_____ Yes _____ No
My respectability before people
_____ Yes _____ No
My race
_____ Yes _____ No
My religious observances or denominational “label” ("I am a ______________")
_____ Yes _____ No
My reputation as being a “religious” person
_____ Yes _____ No
My standards of “right living” ("I’m not as bad as _____________.”)
_____ Yes _____ No
The fact that I have a salvation relationship with Jesus Christ
_____ Yes _____ No