Through life's journey, many individuals do not know where they are going or how to get there. This journey can be long, short or a constant bewilderment. Yet, each of us are very much aware that life's journey is filled with lessons, hardships, headaches, joys, celebrations, and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. Living a Virtuous life is an intentional lifestyle of growing deeper in knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge,wisdom and understanding is very much attributed to ancient philosophers,who through much research and discussion coined the phrase, ́ 'Virtue". Virtues are good characteristics that a person has that guide their behavior, as well as their life. It is a lifelong journey to solidify virtues, that become permanent characteristics of one's behavior and as such, living by those virtues, will help one to live and finish their lives as victorious, regardless of the endeavor.
As humans, we should understand that we are the source of all virtues, Good behavior, which encompass virtues they are a part of our makeup. Unfortunately, in the stress of day to day these virtues get hidden. This process can be looked upon as a seed that has a membrane around it that doesn't allow the seed to sprout, but when the membrane is soaked in water and it gets the right atmosphere, the membrane loosens and the seed sprouts. This may be how a seed becomes a tree. Yoga is a way to manifest all the perfection that is already within us. As mention, we are the source of all of our virtues, and it should be remembered, that as adults we can develop a virtue through understanding the virtue. Exploring what it means and how to express it. To have a genuine desire to develop the virtue and meditate upon the virtue; feel and see yourself being it. A virtue must be practice in order to develop the virtue and it must be expressed as who you are to become a part of you.
The potential of a person does increase their achievements,as well as their understanding of how to live a virtuous life. Personal potential describes those activities and tasks that you can excel at, such as professions, social status, and fame, you can attain. Also, what is possible for you to achieve: your life goals, wealth, honors and awards as well as the impact you can have on the world. Potential refers to all the things we can be successful at, if we develop and use our gifts and natural abilities. It should be understood that everyone has potential and all of us have seeds of greatness. Our greatness is our gift to the world. What we can contribute to make the wonderful, through our virtue leading to achievement which will make the world a delight to experience. Developing the virtues of life smoothes our path in life. It also opens doors to working with people who are honest, loyal, and kind and to be mindful of those who are not. Do the opposite, (cheat, steal, and lie) and those will become the attributes of your friends. Also, a person without virtues creates chaos and you will attract the same into your life if you do not become a person who knows how to live virtuously.
The learning of, as well as the teaching of virtues to younger learners might be unattainable for most, since a number of ancient philosophers believed that virtues cannot be taught. Today, we do see that the lack of teaching virtues or living a virtuous life has resulted in many problems world-wide.We should remember that each individual has autonomy and through choice, it is up to us to realize that it is not our destination that matters, but the journey that defines who we are. Imaddition, innate learning has been proven through research and today, it is factual to see the acquired learnings of infants before birth. The understanding of good and bad behavior to some extent is already understood before birth, and through the five prenatal senses of the mother, an infant has had their first contact with virtues.
Finally, the journey of life will become the solicitation of positive or negative virtues, as we travel the road of life. Our achievements will depend on our virtuousness that we have acquired along our journey and have become a part of our everyday lives. This will ensure and equip each of us with the tools we need to be “ victors” in whatever we attempt. The skills we need to overcome various situations and the words that should echo to each one of us that we should be strong and courageous will allow us to realize that the virtue of all achievement is victory over one’s self and those who know this will never be defeated.