God Saved Me For A Reason

The Story of a Modern-Day Prodigal and His Journey through Addiction, Recovery, and Redemption

by George Snodgrass



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/27/2020

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781973685593
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781973685579
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781973685586

About the Book

This easy to read book will give you the hope and inspiration you need as you begin the process of recovery from addiction. As you take this journey from hell to recovery with George, you will discover insights that will motivate and encourage you to seek the road to recovery. There is no complex scientific data here, just straightforward information that will give you the best chance for recovery.

The importance of the 12-step programs already in existence (which are based on Biblical principles) are also discussed, but the author adds a spiritual dimension to recovery by emphasizing the miraculous power and love available through Jesus Christ. You can get a jump-start on recovery by reflecting on the author’s journey, becoming aware of the 12-step programs, and contemplating the faith that inspired the song “Amazing Grace.”

Even though the author felt hopeless at times and thought about giving up, deep down he knew that God was working in his life and saving him for a reason. That reason is revealed in this book as he encourages you to believe that life can be a wonderful experience.

You’ll laugh and cry as you take this journey with George Snodgrass. You have nothing to lose and your life to gain.

About the Author

George Snodgrass understands addiction because he has been there. He has inspired thousands of people with his Amazing Grace Recovery Program. George dedicates his life to helping those who suffer from addiction. In addition, he is a resource for families and friends who struggle with understanding the addictions of their loved ones.