God's Blueprint of the Ages

A Chronological Chart of Biblical History

by Jim Foster



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 444
ISBN : 9781664208216
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 444
ISBN : 9781664208209

About the Book

“God’s Blueprint of the Ages” developed as lesson plans through several years of Bible study and sermon preparation. To show a visual presentation of Biblical Chronology a graphic chart was drawn, step-by-step, that showed how God worked with His created earth from eternity past to eternity future. Various time periods, called “ages” or “dispensations” is shown graphically as a timeline. How Satan tried unsuccessfully to thwart God’s plan throughout history is also presented. Old Testament prophecy and New Testament Grace is expanded within the chapters that reference and explain the symbols on the chart. Many references to the Word of God are noted within each chapter to verify each explanation.

About the Author

Within this humble servant, Jim Foster, was a man of God who was born to minister to others, giving most of His Life in serving God and Country in various ways. When Jim committed his heart to anything in life, he gave his all, as a faithful Servant to his Lord and the Word of God, a loving husband for 63 years to his wife Joni and father to three beautiful children who loved Jesus and adored their dad. Jim had a passion for learning and teaching God’s Word, for airplanes, and service toward God and his country. God blessed his unselfish desires by providing a way for Jim to serve as a pilot in the United States Air Force with the Strategic Air Command (SAC), as the youngest airman enrolled in the Air Force Flight Academy (right out of High School with no college education). His Air Force training began during the Vietnam War and progressed into flying the KC–97 Air Refueling Tanker. During a tour of duty on Guam, Jim and Joni served the Lord teaching the Word of God wherever Bible classes were needed. Jim was honorably discharged from the Air Force after thirteen years of service to his country. Returning to Abilene, Texas, the family attended the Abilene Bible Center, pastored by Dr. Joe Temple, who mentored them in the Expository Teaching of God’s Word. A few years later when the Lord uniquely called him into the ministry, Dr. Temple ordained Jim as a Pastor/Teacher at the Bible center. The family moved to Denver, Colorado, where Jim graduated with a four–year degree from Colorado Christian University, as well as attending two years at Denver Seminary. He was accepted into the Police Academy training and became a Deputy Sheriff in Jefferson County, serving for seventeen years. Jim also attended Red Rocks College earning an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement. Above the 30 years of service to his country, his calling to serve God as a Teacher of His Word, as well as his 63 years married to his wife Joni, were more highly regarded. The couple served the Lord together in nonstop ministries for our Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. Together they accepted Jesus’ admonition written in Philippians 1:21; “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” This unique book and accompanying chart, God’s Blueprint of the Ages, is intended to illumine the minds of Bible students concerning the creator of the universe. The graphic illustrations on his copyrighted chart show eternity past, followed by the possibilities of how the world began, then progressing down through the ages to our present time, followed by the Biblical prophecies that are about to happen, and on into eternity future. It all started when the Lord Jesus Christ spoke in Genesis 1:1, “In beginning (which had no beginning), God created the heavens and the Earth.” (A strict translation from the original Hebrew.)