Collection of Prayers

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus

by Lissette Trahan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/22/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781664203372
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781664203396

About the Book


Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The universe had a beginning. Before God spoke it into creation, there was no universe, no planet earth. The sense of how small we are, how fragile the earth is shows me the creator in all his power and glory. Looking at the stars and galaxies and the order throughout the universe makes us realize that there is a designer. There is a God holding it all together. As we search for meaning, we can know that there is a God in control. We are alive, a speck, in this huge universe, but we are not alone.

Prayer # 1

One clear night I looked up and really saw the stars, the galaxies. the huge universe and I felt awe. Then I read in the Bible:

“The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; the Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands.” Psalm 19:1

I look at our small planet. It is the size of a grain of sand compared to our universe. How can I not believe that there is a God holding it all together? Let me never forget, Lord, to stay in awe, to say WOW! At the beauty of nature, when a baby is born, how we are suspended in this vast universe. The human spirit longs to experience awe. The ability to awe is the first step of faith. Thank you, Lord, for giving us a life full of awes.

Give me the ability to recognize beauty and truth when I see it. Holy Spirit, let me always be open to your promptings---convict me when I am blind and deaf to your guidance. Give me discernment to know evil; if I go the wrong way, help me to quickly turn and repent. Don't let me become spiritually deaf, keep me aware and sensitive so that I will always obey and follow your leading.

When I believed and received by your grace my salvation, that was the beginning of my spiritual journey. My soul awoke as from a deep slumber. I felt your love and I loved you in return. Now I cannot live without it.

About the Author


Prayer is an intimate and personal time we spend with our Creator. It's a respite from our troubles, where we can ask for forgiveness, vent our frustrations, express our feelings, and humbly ask for strength. Too many of us think that there's a right way to approach God and a right way to pray. In reality, God doesn't care for He knows your heart. What He cares about is the time you spend with Him.

That being said, having a place to start with prayer is helpful for many. This collection of thoughtful, provocative, and enriching prayers by Lissette Trahan offers you a beginning. If you draw a blank after "Dear God," then this collection is for you. If you get nervous before prayer, saying these prayers can calm your nerves. Sometimes, it's just good to not have to think about what to pray. You sit down, read, and God gets it. He does. The funny thing is He knows what you will say before you even say it. But He can't wait to hear your voice!

Lissette Trahan is a gifted writer with a heart for God. Read and pray her words, and soon you'll see renewal, hope, trust, and peace in your prayer life. God bless!
