Major Bible Themes

An Outline Course in Biblical Teaching and Christian Living

by Paul E. Snuffer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/7/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 422
ISBN : 9781664263109
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 422
ISBN : 9781664263116

About the Book

It is important for our young people to know what they believe and why they believe it, as they face the challenges of a godless and secular world. Unless we provide them with a solid biblical foundation, they are apt to accept destructive philosophies and succumb to social pressures. Major Bible Themes has been developed to help young people and new believers be firmly grounded in the truth of the major doctrines of the Bible. This book is a great teaching tool for Christian high schools, Bible colleges, adult/teen home Bible studies, home school curriculum, pastor’s Bible instruction class (pastor’s confirmation class), Sunday school class, as well as one-on-one discipleship. Students who have been taught this material still use this book as a reference to answer questions many years later.

About the Author

Paul Snuffer has been in full-time Christian ministry for over 50 years. After graduating from Bible school and seminary at the Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music, Paul was ordained by the Evangelical Free Church of America and served the Lord faithfully as lead pastor of 5 churches in Michigan, Nebraska, Florida, and Hong Kong. Following his last pastorate, Paul had the unique experience of ministering as a pastor to missionaries for 16 years in Asian and Eastern European countries, including Russia and Ukraine. He has had the privilege of teaching this Bible doctrine curriculum to many individuals of all ages, but one of his greatest joys has been teaching this course to his 5 children and, more recently, to 15 of his 17 grandchildren. Paul is currently living in Minnesota and married to his high school sweetheart, Judy.