The Great Day

by Dr. Festus K. Akinnifesi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/21/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 604
ISBN : 9781664233812
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 604
ISBN : 9781664233805

About the Book

The most remarkable story ever revealed starts like this: “…And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon...” The Great Day is anchored on the allegorical story of the woman in Revelation 12 and her adversary, which led to the war in heaven—the root of all wars and woes on earth. In her, the unchangeable and eternal purpose of God for humanity was perfectly sealed. The author presents three stages of war by her Antagonist—a first war in heaven, then many wars on earth—, then a final war from heaven before the messianic kingdom of Christ. The result is a prophecy book that is almost as dramatic and moving as a novel, yet it’s not a fiction. Interpreting the entire end-time prophecies from this vantage point, is what sets this book apart from the rest.
In particular, four unique discoveries have transformed this book to a new prophetic treasure that every Christian must possess.
The reader will discover early in the book, how the invention of another woman—Asherah, the mother of Baal, later coded as Babylon in Revelation 17 became Satan’s greatest game changer.
Who is the real Gog and Magog—the Antichrist that would occupy Israel? Why Russia is not the Gog of Magog of Ezekiel’s prophecy.
Understanding the sequence and purpose of the 21 plagues—the seven seals and the sets of retributory plagues of tribulation—seven trumpets and seven bowls of wrath.
How are the unleashing of these unprecedented apocalyptic plagues linked to the two powerful prophets in Revelation 11?
What will be the roles of the armies of raptured saints following King Jesus for the Armageddon war?
The Great Day is a must read for every Christian concerned about the end-time—our eternal destiny. The entire kingdom agenda of Jesus is about the End-times

About the Author

Festus Akinnifesi (PhD), makes end-time prophecy come alive in this classical book that can be a trusted resource for church leaders, pastors, seminary students, missionaries and lay people. The Great Day aims to help readers unravel the myths of end-time prophecies. Dr Akinnifesi is a respected scholar whose work has been painstakingly researched and carefully crafted. As a protagonist of the true Pentecostal gospel, the author is bold and unapologetic. He avoids prophetic hypes, and provides rebuttal to widely accepted stereotypes and makes prophecy easy to understand—separating facts from fads.
Dr. Festus Akinnifesi is an alumnus of the Christ For the Nations Institute (CFNI), Dallas, United States. He majored in advanced Leadership and Pastoral Ministry, and a second major in Global Missions. The author has lived in Nigeria, Brazil, Malawi, the United States, and now lives with his family in Rome, Italy. He serves as a bi-vocational minister at the New Covenant Church.