This Debate Is Over

Searching scripture to see if their views are so . . .

by Hashone Green



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/24/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9798385019687
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9798385019670
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9798385019694

About the Book

This book deals with an ongoing debate between Calvinist and Non-Calvinist. For over 400 years these two groups have went back and forth on issues such as Election is it Conditional or Unconditional. The issue of the saving grace of God is it resistible or irresistible. Scholars from both sides have waxed eloquent biblically supporting their view, while at the same time presenting sound chases to dismantle the opposing view. That’s the problem though isn’t it? Both sides are winning and losing at the same time. Nobody wins, it’s a draw!

What happens if instead of comparing one system against the opposing system, we examined each systematic view against the scripture? That’s what this book does, examines each view with scripture.

Which view or views were able to withstand scriptural scruntiny?

About the Author

Hashone was born on September 30, 1971 in Highland Park General Hospital. He lived in the Detroit area his whole life. He’s a father of 3 wonderful young adults DaJhone, Drevhone and Brittany whom He loves more than anything in this world.

Hashone considers himself to be just a brother in Christ who believes in the authority of the word of God in the life of all believers. He believes that God teaches us and we learn from God line upon line, precept upon precept. His prayer is that this line upon line, precept upon precept evaluation of these groups will reveal truth that ends this debate and leads us toward the unity of faith we should be walking in.