Chapter 1
Let Go of Everything
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ.
—Philippians 3:8 (KJV)
We have come before the King of kings to inquire of Him and ask for His intervention. He demands of us that we understand that all things exist by His instructions alone. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. There is nothing we need to bring or add to our circumstances, except to trust His divine wisdom. Oftentimes we are in need of God’s help because we might have made mistakes along the way and may be in a position where our present is worse than where we began. For a transforming experience, one would be wise to walk out of everything.
If it is not possible to drop everything, then ask for God’s wisdom. He alone can give the answer to unique situations. It is important, however, not to carry our situations; they will only continue to be burdens. By dropping everything, we can position ourselves to hear what God has to say about our situations. The reality is clear: we have been carrying the burdens, challenges, disappointments, dilemmas, and failures for very long, and nothing has worked in our favor. So leaving our challenges, hearing from God, and seeking a new directive may help stimulate a pulse in our circumstances.
Adjusting circumstances while trying to forge ahead is always overbearing, especially if the challenge is difficult. This can be static and depressing. An excellent example to reflect on is the contrast between purchasing an existing building and building a new one. The existing building comes with challenges that have appeared with use. These are not necessarily all known to the purchaser. A new construction allows for an informed position from the inside out. The challenges that might arise would be known and determined based on the method of construction and choices made in the process. In renovation, many things may present themselves in the process that have to be addressed by trial and error—not as much information in this case. This will be costly and prevent timely completion of the project.
There may be situations involving family or our employment where we should definitely consult the Lord before we do anything. He alone can tell us what to do, when to do it, and for how long. It is important to operate in wisdom at all times in spite of our emotional or physical dilemmas. We can look at this process as casting off the thing that prevents us; separating ourselves from the obstacles that we do not necessarily have to address immediately or at all.
Casting all your care on him; for he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
Give Everything to God in Prayer
It is important to understand that in committing our circumstances to God, we relieve ourselves of the burden that those circumstances place on us. This is most important to understand in fighting for or seeking victory.