Labour of Love

A Woman’s Personal Journey from Pain to Purpose

by Akenna C. Kublal



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/31/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781664251441
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781664251458
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781664251465

About the Book

Labour of Love takes you along a journey, through the experiences and life, of a young Caribbean woman, searching for love and validation in the things of the world.

Over time, her journey takes her on one of self discovery and self mastery, as her skin changes and her physical appearance gives her the look of someone she could no longer recognized.

Her new outward appearance, causes her to look deeper at who she was on the inside, and search the heart of God to see where he truly wanted her to be, and discover who he called her to be, even before she discovered this herself.

As you walk through this journey with her, she will take you through nine chapters, almost to mimic the pregnancy and birthing process of a woman carrying a baby.

Her story will take you along the path of her childhood, into her adulthood, to share with you how trauma affects our choices, how mistakes make room for motivation, and how Pain will bring you to your place of PURPOSE.

About the Author

Akenna Kublal is an Author, Motivational Speaker, Personal Development Consultant and Founder of Labour of Love Women’s Empowerment Events & Akenna Kublal Events and Personal Development Agency.

She hails from the twin isle Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, but travels the globe sharing her testimony of overcoming abuse, adultery, childhood traumas and teenage pregnancy as a young Christian woman. She also uses her platform to bring awareness to Vitligo, a rare skin condition that she also has, being diagnosed with in 2016.

Akenna has a heart for helping women see their true worth, and desires that her life would encourage them to keep pushing, as there is purpose in their pain.

With all that she does, and aspires to do. Her greatest accomplishment and joy, is the privilege to be called Mom, by her two beautiful daughters.

She hopes that each woman that reads this book will be inspired to not give up. And to see the value, in their strength as a woman, and their Labours of Love.