Today I shall sing.
Today I shall dance.
Today I shall praise my God and King.
Today I shall say Thank you, Lord!
Today is a day to celebrate! It is a day for Joyful Noise! Have you ever stopped to consider all the ways joyful noise is, or can be, expressed? In song, in excitement as one confesses love, celebrates a birthday or cheers on a favorite sports team. It may include the words, “I am so proud of you!” Think about that one-word text, ‘Wow!’ Then there is Whoo-Hoo! Yea! Outstanding! I am so excited about…! Hands clapping, drums beating, foot tapping. Hearts pounding. Children laughing. Can you think of others? Say them aloud right now…read this list aloud, quickly, allowing yourself to feel just a twinge of excitement before you continue.
Choose to say, maybe commit to “Today I shall sing. Today I shall dance. Today I shall praise my God and King. Today I shall say 'Thank You, Lord!'" Don’t be embarrassed or respond with “Maybe later.”
Even if you just settled in to read quietly for a while, take a breath and let yourself feel an overwhelming joy! You create it with your participation in reading the text aloud. You create it by recalling the good in your life, and for just this moment, forgetting the bad. You can deal with that a little later. Right now, just feel the joy, the encouragement, the excitement that God and the Bible offer to you throughout your lifetime.
Isn’t living excitement, adventure, and incredible joy better than just imagining it?
It seems fair to say that we learn more about life as we live it. We recognize what it means to be Actively Engaged in life as we know it. We realize there is more to be Appreciated. We begin to see there was a difference when we were Prepared to live a life worthy of respect versus when we are found unprepared. We understand more, and we become more understanding of others. We sometimes regret not having appreciated our opportunities more; we regret that sometimes “slow” realization or our rejection of the fact that God truly is the source of all blessings. However, as we mature and grow in our knowledge of God it becomes easier to see that God working in our daily lives deserves an even more obvious, more complete love on our part, and that love deserves to be expressed with true joy and resounding gratitude.
I actually have known this for a lifetime, but recently I have been convicted to acknowledge God’s goodness much, much, much more. Why is it that we don’t always recognize our blessings until after the fact?
With each new acknowledgement of His work in my life I am reminded again of Psalm 100 and my introduction to it in a 4th grade Sunday School department. All members were encouraged, instructed, rehearsed, and given promises of a red King James Presentation Bible as a reward if they could recite that Psalm 100 with perfection - in hopes that we would remember the words throughout our lifetime. It worked. The translation below is not the King James Version I memorized as a child (that will follow in a later chapter), but when I saw this translation I was simply filled with an overwhelming joy and excitement! And I want to share it with you. The meaning is the same, and the level of joy seems perfect to begin a book filled with gratitude and praise. What an exciting way to begin a new adventure with God!
Psalm 100
from The Message
“On your feet now—applaud God!
Bring a gift of laughter,
Sing yourselves into his presence.
Know this: God is God, and God, God.
He made us; we didn’t make him.
We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.
Enter with the password: “Thank you!”
Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
Thank him. Worship him.
For God is sheer beauty,
all-generous in love,
loyal always and ever.”
Please take the time to simply breathe in the words. Smile as you read them aloud. Feel your heart beating a little faster. The words are encouraging. They are factual. They are fun. They deserve a fuller understanding, and they certainly deserve a fuller application in all of our lives. The words are strong, and they allow you to be strong.
Take time to enjoy God’s goodness, as well as allow yourself to be motivated and willing to do as the scriptures say. Close your eyes and see the images contained in Psalm 100. Learn about the fuller, contextual meaning of being God’s people, His “well-tended sheep.” Feel the wonder of the words as you read and commit them to memory. Know and repeat the words to others, whether in celebration, encouragement, or in teaching. Enjoy the person of God as you learn more about His love for you…
Always be aware that gratitude is one of the best ways to show love and caring for the blessings we receive. And it should be given joyously – not begrudgingly or in resentment or without total sincerity. It is a time of both joy and appreciation and respect for the One who has given so freely, so wisely. Who deserves our gratitude more than God?
Take a minute to re-read Psalm 100 from The Message printed here. Pay special note to the password given. And what was it? Saying “Thank You!” for all that is and has been your life. And for all that your life will be in the future.
You are invited to join me for an exciting, possibly unusual experience…At times it may require risk, a little boldness, and certainly much, much gratitude for God’s wisdom and care.
Enter with the Password and make yourself at home…One more round of applause for God as we continue, please.
That is the focus of both A Bid for Eternity and this latest offering, Makin' a Joyful Noise.
Have you ever experienced a joy so overwhelming that you felt your heart might burst? Have you ever found yourself seemingly in a valley of despair with no visible way out? And how did you respond?
Makin' a Joyful Noise may just be your personal guide to saying what needs to be said while learning what needs to be understood.
See the joy. Understand the circumstances. Acknowledge the One who has the answers and say "Thank You" - no matter what.