Romans 9:20-21: "No, don't say that. Who are you, a mere human being, to argue with God? Should the thing that was created say to the one who created it, 'Why have you made me like this?' When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn't he have the right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into?" ~ WOW! Clay has many uses, which makes it so valuable; however, clay doesn't know how it's needed. It doesn't know what it's needed to be and do; it can't demand to be made into anything. A potter, on the other hand, has vision and creativity and specializes in transforming common lumps of clay into intentional custom-made works of art that have a unique purpose. Imagine the potential in that common lump of clay that is full of possibilities in the potter's hand. I can hear the clay excitedly asking the potter, "What will you make me into?" I can hear the clay saying to the potter, "I can't wait to see what you transform me into!" "Wow! I am beautiful work of art! Show me my purpose so that I can be the best that you created me to be." Beloved, you are the lump of clay and God is the potter. God created you for His purpose; He was not created for yours. The only reason you are alive is because God purposed your life. As such, you don't have a right to devalue yourself nor complain to God about how He made you; especially, since your purpose doesn't come from you. Instead of fault-finding, I encourage you to approach God like an excited lump of clay. Ask your Creator, "What will You make me into?" Say to your Creator, "I can't wait to see what you transform me into!" "Wow! I am beautiful! Show me my purpose so that I can be the best that you created me to be."
Personal Reflection/Application/Prayer: How has God spoken to you through today’s WOTD as it relates to your life? How does today’s WOTD speak to you/your situation? What was affirmed? For what do you need to repent? What will you do differently going forward? What commitment to your spiritual growth are you going to make? Is there something that you need from God in order to live His word daily? If not for yourself, for whom do you need to pray as it relates to this WOTD? What can you thank God for and/or declare in confidence according to God’s word? What can you boldly and confidently ask God for according to His word? Use the space below to record your personal revelation from God about how these verses apply to you and/or write a personal prayer to God.