The opening chapters of Free Will Choice: The Story pay significant attention to the character of the Son of the Morning or Satan, as we now know him. All creation, both physical and spiritual, has essentially evolved (through the power of God) to where we are today. As such, God has demonstrated who He is in the context of all creation. We can understand this through Scripture, which provides progressive revelation about the role that free-will choice has played in God’s eternal plans even before the foundation of the heavens and the earth. Free Will Choice: The Story is not an academic treatise but a virtual-reality story as told by God Himself through Scripture.
As difficult as it may be to accept, God had no choice but to give the gift of free-will choice to the Son of the Morning and Eve and Adam, even though He knew they would fall. To further understand free-will choice, God wants us to understand the historical person of Satan and his relationship with God before and after his fall from God’s Celestial Kingdom. In this regard, you may even find that some of this book feels like a spin-off from Hal Lindsay’s book, Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth.
We must consider the inescapable fact that God, as Creator, has desired through the eons of time to create a family. Other than Eve and Adam, starting with the creation of the Son of the Morning, who was the most majestic created being in the Celestial Kingdom, God had in mind the crown of His most brilliant thought, which is “free-will choice.” Based on our understanding from Scripture, the exercise of this free-will choice is first revealed to us with the Son of the Morning.
In addition, it is apparent that God also wants us to have insight into what transpired in early existence with the creation of the heavens and the earth and pre-Adamic existence leading to His plan of “re-creation” for all of humankind. I say, “re-creation,” because it is theoretically and scripturally apparent that there was a prior heaven and earth before God’s recreation of life and the foundation of linear time on earth, which He did exclusively for Eve and Adam and their progeny. Yes, contrary to what many may know or believe, human life existed before God’s creation of the Garden of Eden and Eve and Adam. What happened to this prior human life form? Were they predestined to termination and extinction? Even before the foundation of the heavens and the earth, did God always have free-will choice in mind for His whole creation? Did God plan His gift of eternal life for every living person today or for only a given few? What is the reality of the Kingdom of God eternally and finally established on earth? What is the true story of God’s eternal life plan over potentially billions of years? Is free-will choice part of God’s original intention? What is the real truth? Some of what you read in this book will almost sound like it’s fictional in character; nevertheless, I wish to assure you that this book is non-fiction. It is what I consider to be a revelation of God’s mindset. God depicts Himself as characteristically human, with all His divine attributes but without humankind’s evil nature. I believe that God expresses Himself with human-like feelings and emotions, responding with what may appear to be mistakes on His part. However, “God is not a man or the son of a man” (Numbers 23:19), and I propose He makes no mistakes. Why I believe this will be revealed in this book.
In the context of the doctrine of free-will choice, I have decided not to debate either side of this topic. That is not the purpose of this book, nor is it a matter of persuasion. Like human beings, God expresses His emotions and feelings as they relate to His gift of free-will choice. This doctrine is a fact of God’s creative evolution.
In the final analysis, the “last days” and “end time” are also considered in the context of God’s free-will choice process. John Hagee, a well-known prophetic writer and supporter of Israel, is referenced in the book for his ten signs of the end time. With his permission, this book provides an additional narrative regarding how God’s free-will choice interacts in this last-generation Ekklesia, the Church.
Some people will consider Free-Will Choice: The Story as speculative and prejudicial. Each person has the right to choose what he or she wants to believe. All I ask is that you read the book with an open mind regarding the many revelations, illuminating truths and/or renewed thoughts of what have been incomplete or “shadow truths.” Some of these have been accepted by Christians over the centuries, but they have necessarily accepted the complete truth. This book helps bring these “shadow truths” into the light.
As an organizational psychologist, thinker, and human being, I am very deliberate in my positions and expressions about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the person of Satan in this book. As you read, it is your free-will choice to accept or reject the story.