Living in the Shadow of Reality

Understanding the spiritual laws behind life as we experience it

by Dr. Silas Gaines



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/18/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781664279582
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781664279599
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781664279605

About the Book

Westerners often make the mistake of discounting the spiritual aspects of life as “not real”, imaginary, a mere reflection of what is experienced in the “real world” (by which they usually mean, the physical world that we experience with our five senses). Many claim that the concept of angels and demons are creations of our imagination, that God or the gods of other religions are mere projections that we create for ourselves. The argument goes like this: Humans look at physical reality and then create/imagine a shadow world, the spirit world, based upon our experience of ‘real life’. But what if the opposite is true? What if what we are experiencing with our five senses is really just a reflection in a pond? What if the “real” begins with the spiritual and then is reflected into the physical?

If this hypothesis is true, if indeed what we see happening around us in the physical world begins in the spiritual world and is only later manifested where we can perceive it with our five senses, then that has profound implications for us in a practical sense. If true, this would mean that individual crimes, acts of evil and aggression, and perhaps even larger events, armed conflicts, terrorist strikes or man-made catastrophes that occur in our physical world might be avoided altogether…if we can stop them at the spiritual level. Likewise, what if good might blossom in our physical world as a result of intervention at the spiritual level? It certainly seems that we have evidence for both, in human experience and in the scriptures. Join Dr. Silas Gaines as he walks his readers through a scriptural, historical and personal journey to identify spiritual laws and principles that govern our current reality. Gaines aids us in highlighting spiritual laws woven into the Created Order of which we are often dangerously ignorant, and which often hold the keys to humanity flourishing in God’s plans and purposes. Gaines invites us to join in a journey that will open our eyes to new realities around us, and empower us to walk into our God-given destinies, impacting people and the world around us as we were born to do.

About the Author

Dr. Gaines has a variety of life experiences. Gaines is a husband, father and foster parent. He and his wife have raised their own birth children, adopted children, and foster children. He has served as senior pastor of churches both in America and overseas. He has also helped plant churches in the states and abroad, as well as serving as a youth pastor and mentor for many years. He has worked as a chaplain, grief counselor, landscaper, janitor, quality control manager, and public school teacher. With an educational background in both psychology and missions, Dr. Gaines is passionate about helping people find freedom and helping then flourish, both personally and communally, growing into all that God has created them to be.